Artemus Character in Earthend - The World of Thundarr the Barbarian | World Anvil
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The Council of Wizards are watching!

Wallpaper by Matija on Deviant Art -
An aspiring Wizard who is seeking a position of status among the Council of Wizards. He seeks to build an assault "Death" ship to assert his influence on the area that used to be known as Atlanta.   He has telekinetic blasts and can summon a swamp wurm that has similar abilities like a regenerative hydra.   Thundarr foiled the plans of conquest for now so Artemus has to rebuild his base and warship from the ground up. It will take considerable time, resources and effort.
The Council of WIzards are watching me.

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Oct 2, 2019 17:43 by Jimmy Shrekson

Artemus: *tries to take over Atlanta* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thundarr: *stops him* ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Artemus: *looks at camera* "Y'know what they say? Fail once, try again!"