Session 2: Mysterious Awakenings Report Report in Earth: PL | World Anvil
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Session 2: Mysterious Awakenings Report

General Summary

Eyes on the Prize

Currybear and Lewis awake in a life-like dream world. Greeted by Alyssa, they are told this is were they must stay until their recovered bodies can be healed. In the meantime, the two are shown to the section of this world where the consciousness backup of one Reemus Vee. Vorpil, CEO of SNAP is being held. They interrogate him with the hope of discovering something useful. Alyssa's only plan seemed to be... get something out of him that we can use against the Mega-Corps. After a long interrogation, Lewis seemed to get Remus to a point where he was at least willing to make a deal. Unable to trust the man, the team decides that it's best to seek out more leverage on the SNAP CEO before trying again to glean useful information. 

An Opportunity

The Silver Sentinels have been granted access to a virtual world where they may freely and safely sharpen current skills, or access training modules in new ones. 

Meeting People

While Currybear and Lewis were spun up in VR, Isaac found his way to the armory where he met Sig Curtis, a member of another resistance unit. Isaac and Sig started bonding over some equipment maintenance and shop talk when Isaac was gifted a CBM-40 for his troubles. Sig is a burly man with a gut that doesn't seem to match his muscles, and a gruff voice. When speaking about their leader, Sig seemed to question her leadership and tactics, but let it go when Isaac did not indulge. Later, Isaac had another run in with Sonny B., everyone's favorite AI. Sonny and Isaac discussed the nature of the human body, and what it was like to "come to life" in a new body after one's mind was transferred. He compared it to his own experience in the spirit of learning. After letting the conversation stop awkwardly, Sonny left the room seeming like there was more left unsaid.

Rewards Granted

  • 1 CBM-40 (Concussive Blast Mine) (Laser trip wire). 4d cr | 6yds | Guaranteed knockdown on everyone in range, affected individuals must make HT roll or be stunned (regardless of amount of damage taken).
  • 1 General CP - Attendance
  • 2 General CP - Roleplay (In character planning discussions)
Dark Sun Rising
Isaac Thomas
ex-Currybear Jones
Report Date
02 Aug 2020
Primary Location

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