Cole-Hannuth and Wexford LLP Organization in Earth | World Anvil
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Cole-Hannuth and Wexford LLP

Founded in 1869 by Lloyd Cole and Timothy Wexford, the law firm spent it's early years building a base of loyal and grateful private clients before moving onto larger businesses, drawn in by Lloyd's hard work on cases and high success rate as a result. Currently lead by Judis Doctor Edward Cole-Hannuth and Timothy Wexford . The head office is located in Blackheath, London. The firm has five offices located around the United Kingdom and employs over 100 staff in various roles.


Running on a hierarchy of admin roles, legal assistants who research for the lawyers who defend clients and lead by the managing partners who manage the business and take on the highest value cases occasionally.


The company is very much 'work hard, play hard'. Work is often not left at work as the industry is cut-throat and the margin for failure is very narrow for everyone.

Public Agenda

The firm does not turn down representing businesses who may be guilty at what they are accused of, as long as the fee is payed and there is a reasonable chance to win.


The company has 5 offices in the UK and millions in annual profits.

Fighting tooth and nail for you.

Founding Date
Court System
Notable Members

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