The Great War Military Conflict in Earth | World Anvil
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The Great War

The Great War ended the day the bombs fell. And the Great War spelled disaster for those who survived it. The Great War spanned nearly the entirety of the Earth, smaller countries seeking alliances with larger and more powerful governments as the war dragged on. It began in July of 2035 when a joint Russian and Chinese military moved to seize Alaska. The War would end 12 years later when Nuclear detonation occurred. Leaving behind the shattered remains of much of the world, billions died in minutes. And many of those who survived would follow soon after, their bodies succumbing to the radiation and other threats born of the bombs fall. Many would die to looters, and other such groups that quickly allowed panic to take reign.

The Conflict


The war ended with the launch of nuclear bombs, which spelled the defeat for each military force. And the fall of their governments.


The bombs destroyed much of the world as it was known then. Leaving behind what most of the survivors will call the Wastelands.

Historical Significance

The history of the Great War is muddled. Barely remembered and twisted by the propaganda spread by all parties. There are few alive who can pinpoint acurately who fired the last shots that ended the war. And there are few who can accurately describe just what started it. The war itself is slightly more well known and remembered. Statues and memorials to soldiers still stands in some locations across the world. Others, leave only the decimated remains of what was once there. Be it a battlefield, or a city.

Technological Advancement

Military technology ranged from rifles to robots, and tanks, alongside a form of exo-skeleton that had only recently been developed. The most advanced weapon used by any party of the war was the Nuclear bomb. The same weapon that ended it so swiftly.
Conflict Type
Start Date
July 12, 2035
Ending Date
September 23, 2047
Conflict Result
Devastating defeat for all parties involved.


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