Testimotial Crisis at San Francisco Military Conflict in Earth (Witnesses of Destiny) | World Anvil
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Testimotial Crisis at San Francisco

On April 20, Authorities believed the Witnesses were driving out the Demonic Spirits of Alcatraz Prison Island, which led to the Formation of an Unholy Group named, The Driven, (MG-20335). These Group of People Believed that the Demonic Forces who fled from the Witnesses are asking them to Purge these Light bearers. Some who accepted are Consumed with Hatred and Darkness that show unnatural Vulgarity towards Christians and Witnesses if they recognize the Light in them, the rest who rejected their help are tortured in Nightmares in their sleep and are burdened by the Demons that Haunt them. Though they possess no power, the Driven operate in Darkness, seeking to drive out, if not, kill the Witnesses, which led to the Testimonial Crisis at San Francisco.   This Conflict Started at the Beginning of May, Lasting until June 3. The City of San Francisco was nearly destroyed because of this longing Battle. The city Buildings and Neighborhoods are left destroyed, to the point for the Residents to Flee from the City or to be consumed by the Dark Spirits. Vehicles were abandoned on Roads and Boats drifted away to the bloodied Sea.   After the U.S Military arrived and Apprehended the Witnesses and the Driven, the City of San Francisco was secured. Though the City was clear of conflict, There were still spirits wandering through Alcatraz and the City. Due to this, The U.S Deemed the City Not Safe and Quarantined the Parameter of San Francisco.   Today, This City Remains on Lockdown until further Notice...

The Conflict


The Dark Spirits spread like a plague, haunting the non-believers to kill the Light bearers known as Witnesses. Whether the people were haunted by these spirits or agreed to transform into an angry, smiteful threats to everyone, there were rumors of a suspicious movement of people


San Francisco


Dark Spirits wander through the City Abandoned vehicles Bloodied Sea Ruins Hostile Militia


The U.S Military apprehended the Witnesses and the Driven, then sent them to a classified base until President Madison ordered to release the Witnesses and issued a Classified meeting between these Light Bearers and the President with U.S Officials.


After the Crisis, The City of San Francisco was left in ruins. Now, the Dark Spirits roam throughout the ruined City, Seeking to haunt anyone, anything to destroy the Witnesses for Vengeance.

Historical Significance


A battle between Powered Prophets and Wrathful Nightmares.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
May 10,2023
Ending Date
June 2, 2023
Conflict Result
The Witnesses emerged victorious, The U.S Military apprehended both sides, the Driven disbanded after the Death of Chase.

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