Namikaze Minato Character in Earth (Naruto) | World Anvil
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Namikaze Minato

Lord Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze (a.k.a. The Yellow Flash)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

According to Jiraiya, Minato was considered to be very handsome.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Minato entered Konoha's Academy with the dream of earning the villagers' respect and recognition by becoming Hokage. When Kushina Uzumaki moved to Konoha, she was placed in the same class as Minato. Minato was immediately drawn to her bright red hair, finding it beautiful. Minato was a natural prodigy as a ninja, the likes of which appears only once in a generation. When he was added to a genin team under the leadership of Jiraiya, Jiraiya took a special interest in Minato and took him on as his apprentice, teaching him many of his own signature abilities. In time, Minato's exceptional skills led Jiraiya to believe he might be the Child of the Prophecy, someone who would someday save the world.   Years later, after they graduated and became ninja, Kushina was kidnapped by Kumogakure forces. Konoha mobilised its ninja to retrieve her, but only Minato noticed the strands of red hair Kushina left behind to mark their path. Minato, acting alone, rescued her from her captors. On their way back to Konoha, Minato confessed his admiration for her hair and her strength, causing Kushina – who had previously believed Minato "unreliable" and even "girly" – to fall in love with him.




For his performance during the War, Minato was chosen over Orochimaru to become Fourth Hokage. He taught the Flying Thunder God Technique to the Hokage Guard Platoon to better aid them in their duties of serving the Hokage at any given time. He also tried to help Kakashi, now an Anbu, emerge from the darkness he'd fallen into after Obito and Rin's deaths. During the gradual transfer of responsibilities from the Third Hokage to him, the Third advised Minato to restore Kakashi's value of life by tasking him with protecting Kushina during her pregnancy.

Failures & Embarrassments

Minato blames himself for his death for several reasons; he couldn't save Obito from the fate that corrupted him, Konoha from the difficulties that arose after he was gone, and even his own son Naruto from the painful and difficult life he suffered as a jinchūriki orphan.

Intellectual Characteristics

Minato was a very keen-minded individual, having the highest scores in the history of the Chūnin Exams written test. Even at a young age, only he of all the ninja sent to rescue Kushina, noticed the trail she left behind to mark her kidnappers' path. In combat, he could correctly deduce the basic mechanics behind a technique after seeing it only once, and from there plan around its strengths and weaknesses to his or his allies' advantage. With his observational skills he could determine an opponent's plans and motivations based on only limited evidence. After he had finished analysing, Minato would strike quickly and with precision, attacking vulnerabilities at the most opportune moments. As Hokage, Minato prepared for threats facing Konoha by placing a network of marked locations around the village's outskirts for him to teleport to, including at least two safe houses and likewise passed on his space–time ninjutsu onto the Hokage Guard Platoon.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite his physical resemblance to Naruto, Minato was a very humble and collected man. Very perceptive and shrewd, he was noted as not to do something without a reason. He was well-aware of the terror his reputation inspired in rival villages and would take advantage of it at times, but even then he would remain respectful to opponents. Minato also wouldn't pry into other people's personal affairs unless he felt it was necessary, and was not the type to hold grudges, only feeling sorry for Obito despite his role in his own and Kushina's deaths.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Minato's hobby was reading; Jiraiya's novels were his favourite. Minato's favourite food was Kushina's homemade cooking.

Personality Quirks

Minato is ambidextrous. He has been shown wielding his kunai as well as the Rasengan proficiently with each hand. This is also shown when he summons using his left hand,[86] indicating that he signed the contract with his left hand.


Namikaze Minato

Sensei (Important)

Towards Hatake Kakashi



Hatake Kakashi

Student (Vital)

Towards Namikaze Minato



Current Location
Date of Birth
January 25
Date of Death
October 10
1080 KnJ 1104 KnJ 24 years old
Circumstances of Death
His soul was consumed by the Shinigami, ending his life.
Current Residence
Blue eyes
Spiky, blond hair; Jaw-length bangs frames either side of his face
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin
179.2 cm
66.1 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Minato's favourite phrase was "The fire's shadow illuminates the village" (火の影は里を照らす, Hi no kage wa sato o terasu).
Aligned Organization

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