Ffamnar Evan Meid Bonansia Character in Eambar | World Anvil
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Ffamnar Evan Meid Bonansia

Ffamnar Evan Mied Bonansia was born with the knowledge of castles and a love of adventure. He, unfortunately, never received the stature to match. At only 2 feet 5 inches, he was considered too short to join the military, even the mages core. Instead, he had to make money as a tour guide at the tourist trap known as "Castles of Carmanthia." It was little more than a cesspool of washed up mages and precarious "attractions." Ffamnar loved it anyway, at least, he loved the idea of it, especially the girl running one of the attractions who was almost as short as he was. When that same girl was in danger, Ffamnar jumped into action as his stories had taught him, and he proceeded to cheat and trick his way to getting her out of the park and country. They adventured together after that, Ffamnar providing the outstanding vision and the girl, Danielle, providing the system. Together, they founded "The Adventurer's Guild," before saving the continent from the catastrophic meltdown of a major diety (along with the other members of their chapter of the Adventurer's Guild at the time). Since then, rumors have become stories; stories, legends and finally: Legends have become myths. Some say that the very same Ffamnar runs the Adventurer's Guild to this day, others know the truth: That a halfling couldn't possibly live that long, but still his tales of heroics are passed from father to son and mother to daughter: Guns of amazing dexterity, a man of a million faces, quick wit, and amazing River Orca skin boots.


Current Location
Year of Birth
24 BG 1015 Years old
Circumstances of Death

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