Danielle Demitriadis Character in Eambar | World Anvil
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Danielle Demitriadis

Danielle was the name chosen by the poor peasant girl after she escaped from the hell called: "Castles of Carmanthia." With her new face, also came a new name and she chose one as powerful as she wanted to be. Determined never to let anyone get hurt like she had been hurt, she partnered with the undersized halfling, Ffamnar to organize a new group of heroes, one that would accept anyone, regardless of their past or stature or race. She was instrumental in the victory of what became known as: "The Mad Goddess War." After her victory, she seemed to float in and out of time, always appearing in tales about Ffamnar, but never seeming to be more than a ghost, always accompanying, never in the limelight. It is believed that she died by his side during the conclusion of their most epic adventure yet: Life.


Current Location
Year of Birth
23 BG 1014 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Jet black, sharp
Long brown hair and light brown fur.
3' with ears standing on end

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