Deities Ethnicity in Eainor | World Anvil
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Unlike some pantheons, the deities of Eainor vary greatly in power; some have the ability to move mountains or tame seas, and some are simply immortal but otherwise normal creatures. 


  The overarching power of Eainor is not truly a deity, but it is the idea of the infinite universe and its boundless energies. Next are the two sister-gods, Naks and Tuim, who bring light, shadow, and celestial energies to Eainor. After the sisters are the gods of Nature: Tol of earth, Ran of water, and Gui of air. All of these powers take very little part in the affairs of mortals or even their own spirit and demigod children, and they do not require a physical form


  Demigods. They are powerful, immortal beings, yet they have a set physical form and are bound to the earth and often to a specific place. The mortals create many myths about the demigods, such as the Midwinter Sleigh-Rider who gives gifts of protection and warmth to the whole world, and Angrboda, a fearsome giantess who haunts the Alpine heights of the North. Some of the most powerful demigods are the Season Bringers and the Lantern-Bearers of the Sun and Moon.
Encompassed species

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Author's Notes

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