Eadàn Ocrya Timeline Timeline
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Ocrya Timeline

Timeline of the continent Ocrya, detailing important events since it was first inhabited.

  • 45000 BF

    First Modern Humans
    Population Migration / Travel

    Early modern humans migrate to Ocrya from Acrua over a large island chain. They arrive in what is now Etrye and quickly spread out to the territories of modern Medora, Doskait and Ivayklovya.

  • 3409 BF

    23 /9

    First Discovery of Ocrya
    Discovery, Scientific

    Warrior tribes hailing from Inrea arrive on an island belonging to the continent of Ocrya and found their first Settlement, Ringhavn, in a large Fjord.

  • 2853 BF

    26 /11

    Death of Ymzotl
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the climax of a war between the tribes of Edria and the druids of Ocrya, the druids manage to summon Ymzotl, a Feral God of Nature. While wreaking havoc in the lines of the Edrians, the God is mortally wounded by a powerful shaman and explodes into pure magical energy. This explosion kills almost everyone involved in the war and shatters the land connecting Ocrya and Edria, infusing it with magical energy at the same time. Due to this, the pieces of land gain the ability to float and are quickly scattered over the whole planet.

  • 0 BF

    17 /5

    Founding of the Council
    Political event

    The Founding of the Council of Medora, uniting the many small lands of Ocrya and bringing peace to the continent, at least for a while.   Ocryan year dates are marked with BF (Before the Founding) and AF (After the Founding). The year in which the council was founded is seen as year 0.

  • 57 AF

    24 /6

    Founding of Doskait

    A large group of rebels in the northern part of the continent denounce the Council of Medora and found the country of Doskait north of the Medora Mountains.

  • 57 AF

    27 /6

    Founding of Jodunsteinn

    Seeing the opportunity, the tribes of the Jodun Isles temporarily band together and request a part of the Ocryan mainland to be given to them. The disbanding council uses its last smidgeon of power to spite the Doskaitans and gives the tribes a massive part of north-east Ocrya. The country of Jodunsteinn is founded.

  • 57 AF

    29 /6

    Disbandment of the Council of Medora

    Not even 60 years after its founding, the council of Medora disbands after the country is split up once again.

  • 57 AF

    6 /7

    Founding of Etrye

    The Etryans officially claim a part of Ocrya and declare themselves a country.

    More reading
  • 1478 AF

    14 /7
    1483 AF

    28 /5

    Doskaitan-Medoran war
    Political event

    A gruesome war between the countries of Doskait and Medora

  • 1689 AF

    11 /5

    Disappearance/Murder of Angus Hermon
    Political event

    On the 11th of _____, the succesful politician and leader of the mages guild, Angus Hermon, is reported missing by his wife. His body is found three weeks later in one of Kighbuldirs deepest mines, with a seemingly moving eye carved into his chest.