Dun'ia (equine era) Era of Apprentice(First Era)
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Era of Apprentice(First Era)

Disaster / Destruction

In Gracinian calendar, between the years of 0 - 8754

It is commonly referred as the era of apprentice.   First 2000 years the Stellarch rise and its roots were started to envelopoe the world. Various alchemy masters come together because of Stellarch, they collapsed the throne and turn it into fallen mountain and made some alterations to lands in order to grow the Stellarch roots faster. Pillars emerged.   Half-blood population rise and with them first Aqumite and Solumites emerged;Barq'alla was formed in the North. Human Protean breeding became standart practise and some states were started to form like Xean, Yvina, Tiana, Skana, Pynia, Gracina, Magalia, DoriDora and Jaqanha.   The last 2000 years Alchemy gotten more popular; Nomads, Proteans and half-bloods made peace, but Half-bloods started to war with each other. Earth dancers and fire dancers started to form. Wars of Dancers emerged between two sides; Lutumite faction consisted of Magalian Tiana, Yvina and Skana, Iqnian faction was consisted of Jaqanha, Xean, Pynia and Doridora. Lutumites won which effected the culture of Solumites.   Naisha was forming at the last 300 years.   Ended with the trials of proto-Proteans in Avgannah.

It is commonly refered as the era of apprentice. Begun with the fall of the throne, first thousand year of this era proved to be chaotic. Various small factions warred among themselves and the stream was scattered, affecting people in the most monstrous ways, making them act like animals.   In order to restore world peace, Stellarch started to whisper at the minds of various alchemists in the world. They come together at Stellarchs physical location and started to took orders from it.   First order was to collapse the Throne so Stream could be contained.   Second order was to accelerate the growth of its roots.   They picked a third order for themselves; Protect the Stellarch. They became the court of Stellarch. People physically standing at its location and protecting it.   When Stellarch reach its full power, it started to quell the world and Pillars were born out of the worst of people. The Great Calm was active.   The minor faction wars were halted at most places and early forms of states started to form; Xean, Yvina, Tiana, Skana, Pynia, Gracina, Magalia, DoriDora and Jaqanha.   Public was getting more aware of the Stellarch's existence and the Great Calm. This made Alchemy to get more popular and allowed the emergence of Earth Dancers in Magalia and Firedancers in Jaqanha.   After years of tolerance a war ensued, resulting of the rivalry among both groups. All the accumilated problems of various states lined up and resulted as the first world war, called War of the Dancers.   War in the east: Jaqanha adopted an offensive strategy and tried to conquer Magalia. But Magalians knew the Gangst plains very well, employing their high mobility they used hit and run tactics to repulse Jaqanhan's every time. But Jaqanha was economically supported by Xean which allowed them to make campaign after campaign. Tired Magalians attacked Xean between Jaqanha campains, but were repulsed by the protecting firedancers. Defeated Magalians agreed with Yvinan's. After a couple years, Yvinan's attacked Jaqanha homeland and captured a territory. While Jaqanhan's were dealing with Yvinan's Magalians attacked Xean and captured its capital... Their economic partner lost and divided among itself because of the chaos caused by Yvinan's Jaqanha surrendered. Treaty of Jaqua(For Jaqanha) and treaty of Leng-Shi(Xean) was signed. Jaqanha reshaped its government system and the ritualized war between organized factions began. Xean and Magalia enmeties began an Xean's government system changed to be ruled by Pillar emperor(The protector Emperor).   War in the West:Skana had to adopt a defensive strategy against Doridora and Pynia. Because that Skanan population was very small, they needed help from their allies in order to take the offensive. Tiana could help economicaly but they couldn't send soldiers because of their lack of war in their culture. But in order to help the war effort, Tiana hired the first Nomad Mercenary parties and send them to attack Doridora(Of the south west of Skana). Skana was relieved but still couldn't move forward. To solve this they offered a famous Gracinian Aqumite mercenaries FirstWood as payment. Once they agreed, they could take the offensive against Pynia. Enveloped at both sides, Pynia surrendered. In while, in order to defeat Nomad Proteans who proved to be a extremely strong opponent, Doridorans hired Mercenaries from North Afrika. Combined Doridoran and North Afrikan armies bring the war into a stalemate. Yet once Pynia surrendered, Nomads were reinforced by Gracinian Aqumite Mercenaries and Skanans. Doridora surrendered. This resulted an enmety to grow between Pynia, Doridora, Skana and later emerging Kaina. Yet this enmety was smoothed by Stellarch's touches and turned them into ritualized battles between willing sides and avoided the following battles to turn into all out wars. Also the rivalry between Aqumites and Solumites started through this war.   As the era neared to its close, a group of half-bloods negotiated with northern nomads to build a city in the ice sheet. While surveying the north, they discovered a mysterious city they named Barq'alla(Solid Sorrow). This turned some in the group from finding a city but a determined bunch realized something about it. Exitance of Barq'alla made the usage of alchemy easier in the land and kept on working. This resulted Nathai Itha to be found at the beggining of next era.   Proto-Proteans who lived at Avgannah continent(Scattered in Archipelago and the landmass) have been testing the limits of alchemy in order to revive Royal-Proteans. They built a structure called Armice in Avg Desert. Armice acted as a pocket universe which siphoned the dangers of their trials. After a century of it, Armice turned to sand and the dangers it held was released like a nuclear reactor being blown open. It took years to stop it releasing a mutative and altering energy. At the end of this, Avgannah was permantly scarred and made the alchemy to work much easier and Stream more accessible. It is an event that damaged the part of the world but made improvements at the other sides of the world.   This event allowed Naisha to be found and allowed Stellarch's grasp on the world to become tighter. Alchemy was more sensitive and easier to perform.

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