Stormspire Citadel Building / Landmark in Drustvar | World Anvil
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Stormspire Citadel

The Stormspire Citadel stands as the largest religious monument to sun worship in Drustvar. It is the holiest building in all of sunworshipper ethos.(aside from The great monument of radamonis)

Purpose / Function

The citadel serves a practical purpose by employing it divinely empowered bell to help stave of thunderstorms.It's main purpose is to serve as the city of Stormspire's political body.


The divine bell was added to the Spire roughly 100 years after the founding of the city,as overtime the worshippers connection with the light grew weaker.


The spire was constructed painstakingly by the original Stormasons as stands as a true testament to the dedication they had to craftsmanship. From the outside the spire appears as a massive layered set of spiraling impossible to climb staircases that climax where the divine bell was installed.the inside of the Spire is an equally impressive display of the Stormasons work,the the entirety of the citadels interior crafted out of beautiful formations of white marble accented by veins of gold,bless by the original followers of the sun.


Created by Stormasons,in coordination with The followers of the sun,shortly after the founding of The city of Stormspire.
Alternative Names
The Stormspire.
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
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