Arch Bishop Tyrus Lightsworn. Character in Drustvar | World Anvil
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Arch Bishop Tyrus Lightsworn.

Archbishop Tyrus Lightsworn tyrus sworn (a.k.a. The High inquisitor.)

Tyrus Lightsworn was born the son of a Storm guardian and a High exarch,on a particularly windy day in 115PD in the city of Stormspire.His decision to take the title of Lightsworn as apposed to Stormsworn,would weaken the power of the stormasons forever.

Physical Description

Body Features

Extremely old at this point,Tyrus looks young for having already out living his project half-elf lifespan.

Facial Features

Tyrus is bless to be more elven than human,hes facial features are elven in this nature.His nose and jaw are both slender,as well as having pointed ears.
Current Location
Year of Birth
115 PD 874 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to an Elven Storm Mason for a father and a human Sunworshipper for a mother,tyrus was almost destined to lead the people of Stormspire.
pale blue,large round.
Bald,white goatee
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white with age spots.
aprx 185 lbs

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