Radamonis Geographic Location in Drustvar | World Anvil
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Most of those who worship the sun in Drustvar,Interpret the Last Dawn,As Well The Endless desert, as the sun bringing justice to those wicked who would not follow it's tenants.Some crazy enough to venture into the desert,and find themselves within the grace of the sun,rather than its wrath,will know the truth.That Radamonis stands.   The Story of Radamonis begin with a city of sun worshippers caught immediately within a perpetual Dusk.This ancient City lost to time vowed to follow the sun.by walking into the desert,as penance for whatever the sun ,they felt,must have been punishing them for.As the Mournful faction of sun followers walked towards what would be their death,scores of the would fall off and die.Weeks would pass and would the most devot would make it to see the Monolith on the horizon.As the few left from the massive culling approached the stone they fell to their knees just before the shade of the Great Monolith,Displaying that no matter the circumstance,nor temptation,they would not abandon the sun.In this showing of faith,the sun smiled upon them,and a massive stone boulder fell from the center of the enormous mountain wedged into the desert. The original founders of Radamonis saw this as a sign,and moved under the massive monolith,then carved the large stone that had fallen into the Cathedral of Light.The original followers had considered themselves the receivers of a great blessing,and would go forth to populate the underside of the great monolith with followers that would sculpt it for all time. Followers of the Sun(keepers of the Monolith)


The City of Radamonis is situated under the behemoth mountain of a stone that juts out of the ground at approx 45°.The people of Radamonis call this massive rock"The Great Monolith"And dedicate their entire lives to maintaining and sculpting the Great Monolith.

Fauna & Flora

The Stone the city rests under,itself is wedged into a large underground aquifer,providing fertile farmlands beneath the base of the Monolith,as well as large inland freshwater sea reaching out from the very innermost base of the monolith.

Natural Resources

Careful management of manipulated sunlight allows an ability to grow a range of crops of herbs that would otherwise not be able to be grown together in Drustvar. Mineral deposits extracted during construction of the monolith give Radamonis a large variety of options in its tool making and ability to provide for its people as well.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Monolith.
Location under

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