Sarthratainian Council Organization in Drustvar | World Anvil
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Sarthratainian Council

The Sarthratainian Council Is a governing body made up of the leaders of the 9 guilds/organizations that lie within each district. The 9 leaders command the might of the Great Sarthratainian Envoy.The oldest and most influential of the council,Jarrod Lightsong Is a stalwart practitioner of Sun Worship,Heading the District the Council gathers in,As well as Claiming the title of High Judicator,leader of the followers of the sun.


The 9 Counsel Members of the city of Sarthratanus Are each leaders of their own district,each put in this position of power by different means or reasons,that gather to help direct the future of the city and it's surrounding territories.
Geopolitical, City council
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items

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