The Harbinger Item in Dreuvalk | World Anvil
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The Harbinger

The Harbinger is a powerful magical Broadsword made by the Horseman, War, to be gifted to Swebia as a parting gift from their realm. The blade is made of an unknown blue material but is thought to be of the same material the Elemental Hookshot is made of. The hilt is a cut diamond pattern, with the hilt made of a sort of leather seemingly made of Demonic hide. The Pommel is a peculiar green crystal emanating light. It is unknown if the pommel serves any purpose.


A Sword Made by War itself.
Current Location
Current Holder
Top Tier Legendary, Only one in existance
5.7 lbs. (2.5 kg.)
4.3 ft.x 4.5 in.
Base Price

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