Intro: Four Days at the Gilded Valac Plot in Downfall | World Anvil
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Intro: Four Days at the Gilded Valac

Day I
  • Describe the Valac physically, detailing its gargantuan size, the division between quadrants, and the small village communities located within each one.
  • Refer to the waking hours at the Ph-21 where the players live, describing the small plaza with the well in the middle, the little brick school, the wide visage of lush hills, and the bright sky shining on the panel skies above, as Captain Albert's projected form begins to present the shipwide morning announcements.
  • Introduce the Woodridges (Matthew, Maureen and the late Marilyn), the Leightons (Ruben, Enriana and Sarmaya), the Silvers (James, Freya, Claude, Leslie and Phillip) and the Baldinis (Teobald and the late Mason), quickly going over each of their functions in the village and their personalities.
  • Allow players to pick an activity to spend the rest of the day on, based on their occupations and the characters they just met.
  Day II
  • Start out with Captain Albert's narration, describing the Valac's successful orbital lock around the dying star Pointifice, detailing the upcoming drains which will allow the ship to reestabilish contact with the Council and greatly increase quality of life for small village inhabitants.
  • Describe the players waking up to a fairly more agitated village, with Claude Silvers leading a public discussion over the organization of the travelling party that will venture to the quadrant frontier in order to redeem the benefits offered by the govenment.
  • Assuming they accept (which they most likely will), allow players to spend the rest of the day stocking up, training their combat skills, and interacting with NPCs in preparation for their day long journey.
  Day III
  • Following the initial energy extractions from the Pointifice, Cpt. Albert announces the contents of the newly available Quality of Life Pack, including: cosmetic weather such as rainbows and sunset, the ability to grow new crops such as sugar canes and coffee, and the installation of telephone poles allowing for communication between houses and villages. 500 packs are currently available.
  • The expedition group consists of: the party, Matthew, Sarmaya and Teobald, who will be journeying through a range of drylands pestered by a large amount of dire rats mutated by solar radiation, making their way towards the great Elderbond Tree.
  • Upon arriving, the party encounters the wizard hermit Delilah, an elderly alchemist exiled from Quadrant Pi's main village, who instructs the party on how to operate the redeem station and allows them to spend the night at her shack in exchange for a ride back to the village the next morning.
  Day IV
  • Party awakens far from the village, unable to hear Cpt. Albert's announcement in full, from the distance, smoke can be seen rising from the town, and the elevator is open, having been recently used by an escaping Delilah, on the distance, the mutated corpse of Claude Silvers can be seen, approaching at a fast pace while his hands burn in a glowing, multicoloured flame.
  • Host!Claude is a CR 3 encounter, and although the party could be able to take him down with sufficient teamwork, it is largely advised that they take the open elevator, initiating an escape.
  • The players, accompanied by Matthew, Sarmaya and Teobald, make their way through a series of dilapidated halls and machinery, hoping to make it to Quadrant Pa, where the escape pods, and the command room, all the while being pursued by several other hosts of similar power to the late Silvers.
  • Upon reaching Quadrant Pa, the party will come across a large escape pod hall, where Captain Albert is organizing groups based on age, skill, and the presence of a pilot, through luck, or perhaps disrespect, the party manages to make it to a small unnocupied pod, and with Teobald as their pilot, start making their way towards a close refueling station, hoping to find Refuge from their desperate situation.

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