Elliot Admus Character in Downfall | World Anvil
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Elliot Admus

Elliot Admus

Holloway Station Data Records   Name: Elliot Adams   ID Number: 231   Priority: Administrator   Birthday: 29/08/2596 (aged 20)   Species: Erenaian (pure-blooded)   Family on Station: Revard + Syllitzia (adoptive, deceased)   Other: psionic trained, facility memorized, 32 invasions successfully deterred, completely submissive.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Highly fit; agile; overly flexible

Body Features

Faded blue scales; sharpened claws; long prehensile tail; slender and muscular.

Facial Features

Prominent beak; sharpened teeth; short malleable frills; glistening oval eyes; long neck.

Identifying Characteristics

Identification number "231" under left wrist.

Physical quirks

Ambidextrous; excellent posture; extreme flexibility; hands tremble when using psionics.

Special abilities

Trained psionic skills including short range psychokinesis; telepathy; electricity blasts; and echolocation.

Apparel & Accessories

Simple full body mining uniform, beige with horizontal orange stripes over torso, Holloway station badge over left breast.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elliot was an orphaned erenaian adopted by miner couple Revard and Syllitza Admus. At a very young age Elliott's parents were murdered following an Umpyrial raid on Holloway station, Admus was the only one left alive.   Noticing a situation of extreme, the Station's Master Computer, notably powered by a particularly large Purple Matter core, set out to help, over the course of the next 16 years, the Computer led Elliot through rigorous training based around maximizing the boy's knowledge of the facility and enabling of his psionic skills.   As he aged, Elliot developed a deep dependence on Holloway station and his "father", successfully defending the facility multiple times through the use of his learned skills to set up elaborate traps and lead ambushes with vicious force.   At the age of 21 however, Elliot was visited by the lost crew of the Gilded Valac, who successfully avoided Elliott's ambush And, after lengthy discussion and a possible conflict with the MC, convinced to join them in a search for civilization following the rise of mysterious "Hosts" that had been attacking ships.   Over the course of the next few months, Elliot accompanied the Valac's crew through their voyage, making his way across pirate camps, abandoned hotels and desolate planets And, eventually, finding a partner in Matthew Woodridge, whom he married after the defeat of the Banshee and their escape from the ruined Milky Way.

Gender Identity





  • Intensive psionic training.
  • Extensive cartographical memorization of the Facility.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Standing up to Holloway.
  • Leaving with the Valac's crew.
  • Marrying Matt

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Allowing himself to fall victim to Holloway's manipulations.
  • Not realizing the error of his ways before having slaughtered dozens of groups.
  • Failing to impede Ineugi from destroying the Milky Way and its subsequent containment.

Mental Trauma

Heavy dependence on his father figure; intense paranoia; inability to socialize

Intellectual Characteristics

Incredible memorization skills; geographical understanding; trap devision


Psychological manipulation; entrapement; social isolation

Personality Characteristics


Defending father; later exploring the Universe and spending time with Matthew.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extraordinarily good at planning and defence; no social skills.

Virtues & Personality perks

Methodical; quick-thinking; efficient; focused; hard-working.

Vices & Personality flaws

Dependent on Father; difficulty socializing; quick to aggression; represses emotions; slow to trust.


Extremely meticulous, impeccable personal care, keeps things organized and clean to obsessive degrees.


Family Ties

  • Revalt and Syllitza Admus (Deceased)
  • Holloway Master Computer (Deceased)
  • Matthew Woodridge (Husband)

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Little to none; shy demeanor; difficulty responding and holding conversations; prone to dozing off.


Often stares into the ground; arms move back and forth when agitated.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys gardening; extreme organizer; incessant cleaning.


Impressive vocal range, capable of shifting from a menacing baritone to a deceiving high pitch in a matter of seconds; speech is slow and calculated, very concise with almost no repetition; somewhat robotic.
12596 12687 91 years old
Eksralen Colony, Ponerai
Current Residence
GY-3397, Andromeda Frontier
Opaque, purple
Known Languages
Galactic Common

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