Joy Item in Domeris | World Anvil
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Joy is a Crux of legends, taking the form of a spear. Joy supposedly grants it's wielder all the powers of a traditionally shaped Crux, including flight, skill, superior reaction speed and strength. Were these abilities it's limits, then Joy would probably have resided in some nobles armory before being pilfered by Doran Regnar and being assigned to a Crux element. But Joy possesses a power that passes beyond the mundane realities of blood and sweat, to those it deems kindred spirits.   To experience Joy is to laugh, at anything and everything. To truly wield Joy, one must experience joy in life. In exchange, Joy will grant it's wielder the power to laugh at the world. To laugh at something is to be advantaged over it, and so it shall be. It's wielders attacks shall always pierce their enemies defense ever so slightly, no matter how absolute it may be. They will be able to parry the perfect strike, their words will hit hard no matter how fallacious. There is only one constraint placed upon it's wielder, that their life must remain a journey forevermore, to never settle down.  


Joy is, as it name implies, an upbeat and pleasant figure. Indeed, Joy is so upbeat that many of it's wielders have discarded the spear rather than have to endure it's personality any longer. It takes no gender, and is unwilling to reveal who it was before it's shaping into a Crux. The past is an unpleasant distraction to Joy, and it's gaze remains fixed on the present. It will never truly be effected by what goes on around it, Joy would sing with glee as easily on the battlefield as it would on a meadow. It is unable to take any cause seriously, as it's nature means that it must "laugh" at the word. The only way to get Joy to bequeath it's power is to take a similar approach to life, and to seek Joy above all else.
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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