The Aluvani Revolution Military Conflict in Distotia | World Anvil
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The Aluvani Revolution

Led by Arius Vaylack, the Aluvani Revolution is responsible for making Aluvan the way it is now.  


Before Vaylack's leadership, Aluvan was an unstable nation. The kingdom ignored most of its citizens' needs, opting to focus all of its attention into expensive public works projects. This made the outskirts of Aluvan a very unsafe place to be. It was so unsafe, in fact, that 500 years ago the working class got together to strike against the kingdom. They refused to work on any projects that the king provided.   This infuriated the king, and he attempted to take military action against the angry working class. The revolutionaries gathered in multiple small cities along the outskirts of Aluvan. One by one, each of these cities was swarmed with countless soldiers, and they captured to revolutionaries in order to bring them to Fastelan. Word spread of these assaults, and Aluvan started to resist.   The Aluvani rebels partnered with the Kylan Empire, which saw this as an opportunity to expand into Aluvan. With their military support, the rebels were able to surprise the Fastelani military. After a series of well placed counter attacks, the rebels pushed all of the king's men into Fastelan, at which point they held a 15 week siege.   Eventually, they stormed the city, knocking the king off of his throne. As compensation for the Kylan's support, new Aluvan leadership gave the Kylan Empire control of three small cities and a generous trade agreement.  


During the conflict, Fastelan was turned into a brutal, self sustaining city. Its walls were built taller, and it gained the capability to support itself without outside help. Also, Fastelan installed a complicated system of prisons underneath its keeps. Fastelan is still largely fortified to this day.   Aluvani citizens resent public projects. Everyone is very individualistic, and they hate to cooperate on anything. The government is also very hands-off now, as they wouldn't dare upset the townsfolk.

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