Dies multiverse A Busy Day in Áthulus
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A Busy Day in Áthulus

Life, Milestone


New faces and the fear of death and punishment beset Áthulus.

Ibrahim, Amir Uqbah al-Ibrahim, arrived in Varimservant   Along with Ibrahim had been, Duryo, who had spend a fortune on passage, a fortune that Ibrahim had needed. When in Varim, Duryo would stay a day with the local Agrik church before setting out north toward a potential mystery.   The blacksmith, whom had rented to the foreign noble, had no idea then that the Chamberlain, whom was in charge of the town during the lord's absence, would take offense to his renting of the barn and knew nothing of the law to give the lord his just duty in place of a guild. According to the Chamberlain, by the blacksmith offering his barn to the foreigner, he undercut the lord's stable as well as his legal right to stand in for the guilds where there were none, according to traditional crown law. There for, in return for his crimes, which the Chamberlain accused were a Breach of Royal Privilege; the Chamberlain demanded restitution but the blacksmith swore he didn't have the money to pay the Chamberlain's fee. The Chamberlain didn't believe him and accused the blacksmith of attempting to evade the fee and therefore further charged him with Evasion. For punishment for his crimes, the Chamberlain ordered a day in the pillory and a flogging for the two felonies, what the Chamberlain considered that light sentencing given traditional punishment. The blacksmith told the Chamberlain that he would accept the pillory as humiliation for his mistake but would refused the flogging. Out of frustration for what the Chamberlain felt was a lack of respect for his power, the Chamberlain exclaimed he could just as well hang the Khuzdûl blacksmith, named Baern Stonehammer. As the blacksmith mocked the Chamberlain for his spiral, the Chamberlain ordered the hanging to take place in three days. It was then set, the Khuzdûl blacksmith would hung at dawn on the 5th.   The town was abuzz with the news of a potential hanging but the Lady of the manor had far greater concerns. Unwilling to ask the rulers of Varim for help for fear of weakening her husband's position she sent father Habus to Varim and the Gibbet Inn to find sell swords but he turned up with nothing by nightfall.   Ibrahim, having arranged a place to sleep, then set about scouting the village for a potential dock location where he could establish a shed as a warehouse for future trade.

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