Roscoe Tiem Character in Didyma | World Anvil
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Roscoe Tiem

Roscoe Tiem

Raised to be a ranger, but picked the life of a fighter. Has a tendency to try and solve confrontations with combat or intimidation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, but trim.

Identifying Characteristics

Has a large scar stretching from the front of his left shoulder, down his chest and ending at about the bottom of his rib cage. While he has other scars from various scrapes and battles, they're not quite as prominent and many have faded quite a bit over the years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The youngest of two children, born and raised in Westwood, he was initially trained by his father, a ranger, to follow in his footsteps. However, Roscoe realized he had a gift for melee combat rather than archery. As he got older, he decided to aim for knighthood and joined the Greycloaks of Neverwinter around 1360-1370 DR. 10 years later he joined a smuggling ring and helped transport illegal substances into the city while also serving as a soldier. Unfortunately he wasn't part of the ring for too long before being caught and arrested. He ratted out other members of the group to avoid the death penalty, but upon overhearing that he would likely be executed anyway, he managed to escape from prison with the help of one of the guard dogs. He wandered Faerûn as a mercenary for the next century or so. About a year before meeting up with the group that would eventually become the Phoenix Gerbils, he worked with a group of pirates led by Petra Ambertide. The pair engaged in a secret relationship, but it deteriorated after she became physically abusive. He left that group and returned to wandering the Swords Coast, eventually ending up in Neverwinter again where he'd meet his future friends.

Gender Identity

Identifies with his biological gender of male.


Straight as an arrow, as his dad would say.


Went through about 20 years of informal ranger apprenticeship, but never finished. Had a good instinct for melee weaponry and fighting, and at the age of 100 or so he officially enlisted in the Neverwinter military and was formally trained with all manner of weaponry. Knowledge of criminal activities was something he picked up from experience rather than formal training.


-Neverwinter soldier (Greycloak) -Smuggler(while still holding his soldier position) -Wandering mercenary -former member of Petra Ambertide's crew -Currently member of the Phoenix Gerbils guild -Currently captain of the Thundertree garrison; will likely return to that job once the town is rebuilt and back in Faerûn.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-top of his class swordsman while training as a soldier -successfully escaped prison -assisted in the death of an ogre and several orcs in the battle of Wyvern Tor  -assisted in the re-discovery of the Forge of Spells -assisted in the rebuilding of a previously abandoned town -took the title of garrison captain and trained several new recruits to be soldiers -assisted in the battle against a black dragon in Didyma.

Failures & Embarrassments

-got arrested -many drunken brawls and bar fights -probably still wanted in some cities -put up with the abuse of an ex-lover -chopped and entire tree down in a single swing of his sword out of frustration. -died at Wyvern Tor (later resurrected) -lots of things he probably shouldn't have said

Mental Trauma

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: brought on from the time his spirit existed and experienced whatever purgatory the Raven Queen stuck him in; He was forced to relieve his dying moments on loop for what felt like an eternity, and thus has triggers associated with the events that lead to his death. Including great axes, orcs, ogres, and being unable to move.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

-brave bordering on stupid -active; keeps things moving along in terms of goals.  -after getting through his initial coldness, he's got a heart of gold.

Vices & Personality flaws

-Has a bit of a volatile temper; especially when it comes to his pride.  -Not great with words; often comes off as callous or uncaring when he's trying to be bluntly reasonable. -Do so much as insult his girlfriend or his companions and he will probably pick a fight with you.

Personality Quirks

Has a tendency to tap his fingers on his forearm when he's upset. Also has a habit of pacing when distressed and thinking.


He'll definitely bathe when he has the time and luxury, especially after a battle. Otherwise, he's just gotten used to being gross while traveling.

Wood Elf Fighter with a criminal background and a touch of rogue. Not great with words but does what he feels is right.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
Nov. 16th 1260 DR
Platinum blond; straight, shoulder-length, usually in a bun or ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
around 200 lbs
Known Languages
Elvish and Common

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