Hycro, Son of Hythor Character in Didyma | World Anvil
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Hycro, Son of Hythor

His Grace, Lord Mayor Hycro

"My friends! My friends, I am delighted to meet you!" Hycro beckoned from the enormous bath full of bubbles. "Please, come and enjoy. Life is too short to hoard all its enjoyment to yourself. It must be appreciated together!"

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hycro is a magnificent jet black Tabaxi with a confident air and a splendid physique.

Body Features

black fur

Apparel & Accessories

Hycro wears the robes of the Stator sect, but often does not treat them in the dignified way expected of him. He has been known to put his feet up at banquets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


  Hycro was born among the Tabaxi estates of the temperate forests of southern Asdraphalia. His family made their way to the capital to serve the Pentarch, and from an early age was enrolled with the sons of noble families in the Royal Military Academy of Caeth Entheas, but his family was one of the few non-humans in the administration, and certainly the only Tabaxi. But despite rivalries, they ingratiated themselves to King Gerallt and become popular figureheads of a more inclusive Asdraphalian Pentarchy.  


  Hycro's father, Hythor, was blamed for a ceremonial embarrassment of King Gerallt in front of the royal council. Hythor was executed, and Hycro and his mother were banished, being left outside the city walls stripped of rank and possessions as beggars to go make their home elsewhere. They planned to go to Kallibastor, but Hycro's mother died before making it to the River Iselwind. Hycro went on alone, depending upon the kindness of the local Agrithite monasteries for his room and board.


Royal Military Academy of Caeth Entheas (unfinished), Agrithite Conclave of Kallibastor


After his banishment from Caeth Entheas, Hycro began as a lowly acolyte in the Kallibastrian monasteries. He saw the church as a path to privilege and influence and so worked very hard to traverse his way up the cursus honorum.

Accomplishments & Achievements

From a position of little rank or privilege, Hycro has ascended ranks of the Agrithite church more rapidly than any other acolyte in recent memory. In just 25 years, he has become the most revered cleric in Kallibastor.

Failures & Embarrassments

When Hycro's father was blamed for the embarrassment of King Gerallt, the scandal shook the family and embedded a somewhat cynical outlook in Hycro's psyche. Those he formerly counted as friends were now enemies and he was shunned by the same people who had only days before been grooming him for high positions in the king's army.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite his high position in the church, Hycro is not a believer. The Agrithite Stators do not care so much as Hycro lends stability, legitimacy, and credibility to their organization in Kallibastor. He is useful in the community, so as long as he keeps the laws and statutes of the sect, general leeway is granted to his eccentricities.

Morality & Philosophy

Hycro believes independence, freedom, and the pursuit of pleasure and happiness are the most important goals in life. This makes him a talented leader in some ways, but an indifferent, cold despot in others, especially when it comes to the most vulnerable of Kallibastrian society. He feels for the poor and marginalized, but is inconsistently supportive of their plight.

Personality Characteristics


Hycro desires to live his life in station, privilege, and luxury surrounded by people he can share it with and make merry.


Social Aptitude

Charismatic, Slightly flirtatious, informal and casual

Wealth & Financial state

Hycro is the steward of an enormous fortune, having been enriched by working with the various trade guilds in Kallibastor.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord High Mayor of Kallibastor, Archbishop of Ag

rithon Stator, Chief Pontifex of Kallibastrian Acolytes
Year of Birth
1011 PoD 40 Years old
Current Residence
Bright blue
sleek black
190 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Tabaxi, Elvish
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Antonio Banderas

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Character Portrait image: Tabaxi King by Kathryn DuBois


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