Devonia City Settlement in Devonia Verse | World Anvil
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Devonia City

Devonia City is the capital and largest city of the nation of Devonia. It has a population of around 4,000,000.


Local government is by a city council of 65 members, the largest in the country. There is a separate elected mayor, who acts as an executive, but can be over ruled by the council.


Contains the Devonian parliament buildings and other national government departments.


A large port on the south east side of the city, built in a natural harbour, is the primary geographical feature of Devonia City. Easily the largest port in Devonia, this is the primary maritime import and export location for the city. It was even bigger before the advent of aircraft.

Natural Resources

Devonia City still maintains a sizable fishing fleet, although it is no where near as large as at it's height around the year 400.
Large city
Location under

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