Wild Dragon Species in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Wild Dragon

Basic Information


Huge reptile like beasts, mostly quadrupeds although some of them can be bipeds, their wings are larger than them by 1/2 of their body.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can only reproduce naturally.

Growth Rate & Stages

They learn to fly and breath fire before they get to be a year old, after that, their size begins to exponentially grow until they reach their top at around 20 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Even though they are aggressive, they do not normally get in areas already occupied by the hybrids, they are very territorial and have respect for others territory. They can endure and thrive in any kind of weather but prefer to locate on high mountains, canyons, snowy peaks and volcanic areas and migrate twice a year from one of this locations to another.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They do not have the need to eat as often as normal creatures do, they can feed of a single deer, shark or any other big creature once and they do not have to consume anything more for the whole month, they get their energy involuntarily absorbing the life force of the vegetation surrounding their area, meaning that for example, they can leave a whole forest dead after they arrive, thing is, that as they take energy from them, they leave some of theirs and this allows the ecosystem they feed on to rebuild itself in less than a month after they are gone. They cannot absorb the life force out of Hybrids or other animals though.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They have a "Pack" Structure in which an alpha male and female lead the whole pack and other members have specific roles assigned either them being patrolling or hunting and even some might try to challenge the current alphas for their spot as leader.


Even though they can be tamed and trained to obey certain commands, only Micro Dragons and Druids are able to do so as they are the only ones who will not get instantly attacked by Wild Dragons and also the only ones who are able to establish communication with them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They all are under protection of the Dragon´s guild, which keeps them out of hybrid populated zones if given the case and are responsible of keeping people out of the areas they migrate to as well as escorting/accompanying them in their migration. That aside, the Dragon´s guild has trained some of them to serve as combatants in case they needed to, this raised concern from the five countries as they see no need for them to have an army of trained tamed dragons. Every country agreed to not hunt or harm them in any way unless it is in self defense like in the cases of them invading a city or a village. Their migration is a natural phenomenon that can be observed twice a year in certain places of the world and it developed a huge following over the years, with over 8,000 persons attending the migration sightings. Whenever the portal to the dimension is about to open, it deploys high amounts of energy that can be tracked down days before it actually opens, thus, allowing the Dragon´s Guild and whatever country the portal will open in to evacuate the area and keep more Wild Dragons from entering earth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

There are many colonies of Dragons and they migrate between southern Scuila to northern Deregan to East Liyunem to West Rigantia and central Canbaracaba.

Average Intelligence

They tend to be very inactive and sleep a lot, not needing to eat means only having to worry about shelter and protecting their territory, and even though they do not posses the rational thought Hybrids have, they can understand to some degree spoken language and communicate telepathically between themselves and Micro Dragons, who along Druids are able to comprehend and to a certain degree, be able to communicate with them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Much like the Micro Dragons, they can breath fire and some can spit corrosive saliva capable of disintegrating huge amounts of solid rock or iron, some of them even posses a freezing breath.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

They where said to not be real back in human times although some fossils of what was thought to be an unspecified dinosaur were found in northern Germany, there, the same humans that began to create the hybrids began developing a species based on the DNA of the fossils, giving birth to the Micro Dragons. After the humans went extinct, some Hybrids found that the portals that let them into the earth only used to appear once every eight thousand years and that the only time it opened during the recorded human era was back in the 805 AD Around northern Europe and only a few managed to get in before they were hunted down by humans. During the Hybrid era some unknown anomaly caused the portals to now open once a year, there have been attempts by many to explore this other dimension but no one has been able to return and no device capable of recording any kind of information has been able to work in this place.
Scientific Name
Draco Muta
Parallel dimension portal that let some of them in sometime between the extinction of humans and the appearance of the hybrids, after the portal closed, some of them got stuck on earth and began to thrive in some specific areas.
45 years
Conservation Status
They are not endangered, they travel in packs and are aggressive.
Average Height
275 Inches / 7 Meters - 590 inches / 15 Meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They tend to be of very dark or very bright colors and have the same color hereditary patterns as the Micro Dragons.

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