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Chaska Masaki

Chaska Kuong Masaki

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's frequently tired due to chronic fatigue, so she's unable to keep very fit, and she's allergic to the Virilen staple grain: rice. Stress tires her out twice as quickly as it does the normal person and results in harsher reactions.

Identifying Characteristics

She has a Virilen character representative of Chi on the inside of her left wrist and a character representative of Duc on the outside of the same wrist. She also has a piercing in each of her ears.

Apparel & Accessories

She always wears her jade wedding band and the silver, diamond-shaped locket that Tian gave her on their wedding day. She also often wears silver hoop earrings.

Specialized Equipment

A bamboo pen with a gold nib, the handle engraved with her name; a jade inkwell; various bamboo brushes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chaska was born in Hairen, Virilia to a painter and a potter. Chaska grew up, like most Virilen children, surrounded by art. She tried her hand at painting for a while, following in her mother's footsteps, but found herself frequently frustrated by her own imperfection even as a child. Through her early school years, Chaska experimented with various kinds of art, dabbling in pottery, painting, various instruments, and even glassblowing before finally trying and falling in love with calligraphy when she was 15. Through her last two years of school, Chaska poured all of her free energy--which wasn't much, due to her chronic fatigue--into practicing calligraphy, to the detriment of her relationships.   After graduating, Chaska gradually emerged from her single-minded quest to perfect her calligraphy and began spending time with people again. She reconnected with her family and with a handful of friends, including Tian Masaki. After joining the Hairen Calligraphy Guild, Chaska continued to balance her work and relationships, as well as her own self-care, and Tian was right there to support and encourage her. In 1607, Tian and Chaska got married.   For two years, Chaska considered "wife" the most important item on her list of identifiers, but then her first son--Chi--was born and "mother" rose to the top. Chaska took six months off of work to adjust, though she continued to practice her calligraphy, but it was only a few more months before she was pregnant again. After Duc was born, Chaska worked out a system with both Tian and Guildmaster Zen Manh that allowed her to take care of her children while working. Now, she brings Chi and Duc with her to the Guild most days that she works, leaving them with Tian other days, and she still considers "wife" and "mother" to be her most important titles.

Personality Characteristics


In general, she's motivated by the well-being of her family. In her work specifically, that's combined with the love of her job.   She always strives to be the best possible at everything she does.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's an excellent calligrapher.

Virtues & Personality perks

Reasonable, nurturing, careful

Vices & Personality flaws

Perfectionist, judgemental, rigid


Family Ties

She's close with everyone in her family. She'd do anything for her sons or her husband, and she keeps in contact with her parents even after they've moved to a neighboring town.

Hobbies & Pets

She has a pet miniature drake named Takashi.
by Viria
Current Location
Year of Birth
1583 31 Years old
Hairen, Virilia
Current Residence
Hairen, Virilia
Black-brown, almond-shaped
Long, straight, often in a loose ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
134 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She's fluent in both Virilen and Sacharan.

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