The Pneumatics Species in Depthopolis, (Not Totally Canon) | World Anvil
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The Pneumatics (n(y)o͞oˈmatiks)

A new species?

The Pneumatics are an especially unique species that has originated from a dimension that "allegedly" shares traits with an undiscovered dimension that our society has yet to discover.

Basic Information


One of the biggest problems we have understanding the Pneumatics is that they allegedly are made out of some exceptionally exotic matter. Energy dense is how they have described their atomic/quantum structures on the news, but no samples have been gathered outside of Depthopolis' Research Centers. The exact way this energy dense matter works is intriguing none the less though, the Pneumatics seem to be able to warp and shift parts of their bodies as if they were each made of some liquidous substance but can snap back to human like shapes with ease, as well as having little trouble transforming to any other form. From the news footage they seem to have no limit as to how much matter they can create from their bodies but recent speculation suggests they only have a finite amount within themselves at any point we see them in the media.   While they may be entirely undefined by their usual shape, they seem to stick to a humanoid shape outside of any combat situations. They say it's because that's the shape they originated as, from some original form they all shared in an alternate dimension, they've made claims about being in some mental connection with some alternate dimension that current Depthopolis scientists have no evidence for existing.   Finally their human anatomy seems to be a little weird in some of the individuals. One seems to have a sort of rectangular prism for a head which boasts a screen for the face with a working set of eyes and a mouth without a nose or ears like standard humans, he is probably the strangest out of the bunch in looks. Along with that another seems to boast arms made out of some wet and yet still solid material of many colors but tends to switch from a color of orange to purple and vice versa. Along with that they almost all boast white skin colors with different colors in hair and apparel for each individual, except for three, one of which seeming to have a dark grey color, another in a lighter grey, while the other has a very human color, brown. Finally the biggest thing that separates most of them from standard humans is that around half of them don't usually show any signs of having noses or ears but they all still seem to possess the ability to hear and smell, although this is ust from observation of video footage.

Biological Traits

Each Pneumatic seems to have at least a few varying traits from the rest of its peers, whether it be how they tackle problems, or if one just likes a different genre of music. Many have speculated that they may have some sort of hierarchy between each other, although to any degree is hardly noticeable.

Genetics and Reproduction

Genetics have currently never been documented, although how they change their physical structure doesn't suggest they don't have DNA but it could be fairly suggested they do not normally contain DNA in their structure. With that they do not have any normal reproduction, even though their self manipulating abilities could imply they could change their genders and reproduce, they have never been seen taking the form of standard human females, nor is it confirmed that they are males though, despite the fact they all look sound and act more like standard human men, it has never been observed that they actually are. They've even stated many times to being men in conversation with the news. Yet we may still not know for sure.   One of their most unique aspects which from my research has never been seen before, is their ability to essentially spawn from one another after death. One of the earliest reports from an impeding terrorist attack states that during a crossfire at an interdimensional port, one of the individual Pneumatics was shot multiple times in the area where a standards human's brain would be before falling to the ground and began "evaporating", at the same time one of the other individuals began to deform almost as if they were splitting like a cell in carbon based lifeforms, commonly called mitosis, as they did one side began changing to the color of the evaporated and dead individual. This then split both of their bodies into halves of one normal individual in size and physical looks. They then expanded back into normal sizes and the once thought dead individual seemed to carry all his memories back from after death like nothing had ever happened, it is unknown for certain if this affected any of the Pneumatics negatively though. They have never been observed to this to increase their numbers or if this is something they do by will. The biggest speculators though seem to suggest this is some weird side effect from their original dimension which only produces individuals that just died.

Growth Rate & Stages

Not much has ever been spoken about the Pneumatics growth, although they seem to adapt more and more to Depthopolis as time goes on, changing slightly from the first days when they were brought to Depthopolis, adapting to the environment around them.

Ecology and Habitats

From data collected from their previous dimension, we can tell their world was created and shaped by them for them whenever they pleased, it was flat and white from as far as the eye could see and the ground was unable to be sampled. It was manipulated many times to fit the shape of the world the Pneumatics wanted to create for themselves. The ground seemed to be made of some unknown matter unable to be broken although the Pneumatics said they used to mold it with ease, along with their strange atmosphere which showed to somehow be related to the flooring but not much more detail was given in public papers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Now this is where they tend to be strange, they love eating, but I'm pretty sure they don't actually need food to survive, they have gone days without food and not even a surface level of degradation in attentiveness or tiredness. Along with their strange eating behaviors they have weird habits which can differ between each other.   Now all of the habits that they share can be pretty surface level, but some of them show their habits better than others and they do tend to change the more they learn about the environment around them. Some of the Pneumatics tend to mold their viewpoints as they continue to live and learn, and the others tend to follow those few but still tend to have their own tendencies to create viewpoints.

Biological Cycle

Apparently this aspect is also very human, sleeping 8-10 Earth hours of the day usually makes them look more awake and alert for the rest of the day although a good amount of the time like many other humans they tend to stay up longer sometimes and although they say they used to stay up later in interviews, I don't buy it personally

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Pneumatics are all generally friendly, which is mostly thanks to Newell, one of the Pneumatics. They don't necessarily build themselves above one another either, due to having so many quarrels among one another always winning over one another time and again.   The Pneumatics seem to show a very vague form of cliches within their "family". There's evidence to show that there are three of these cliches which gives scientists a small but greater understanding of their relationships between each other. The most notable cliche in the Pneumatic species is the Philosophy cliche, comprising of five pneumatics, these Pneumatics seem to be the heart of how the rest of the Pneumatics ideologies come to be, as these five are all hard pressed on their individual mindsets, two of them though, seem to stick out, numbers 7 and 13, both can be very manipulative and sometimes actively work against one another. The second is nicknamed the performers cliche in which many creative ideologies emerge, there seems to be four of them, numbers 1, 4, 8, and 12. The third cliche is possibly the vaguest but the term we've come up with is possibly the only way to describe it, the Emotionals. The Emotionals are the other four Pneumatics, and they tend to line up with emotional states, collective, sadness, or temperament, numbers 5, 6, 9, and 11.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

With the discovery of the Pneumatics later came a shocking discovery, that the Pneumatics were made of the same particles as in their original dimension. These particles, when in contact with any Pneumatic can be reformed and shaped by will with ease by some currently unknown factor. These particles are directly linked to how the Pneumatics can deform and grow in size and shape.   This substance, known as Chaotic Substrate, ChStr, has two sorts of, forms, a chaotic form, and the controlled form. The chaotic form is highly corrosive to any particles it touches, but substances that touch it become reformed into chaotic substrate whenever directly in contact with a Pneumatic and have a unique color attributed to every Pneumatic. on the other side of the coin is Controlled substrate which is only found on pneumatics and is safe to interact with almost any matter. Controlled substrate is almost always white though, no unique color aside from a few exceptions.

Facial characteristics

All Pneumatics seem to have very human like facial structures, hair on top, eyes, and mouths, but only 5 out of 13 of the pneumatics possess visible noses and only 3 have ears. It isn't currently known why some have ears and noses and some don't, but there has been some speculation that noses, and ears represent a greater level of emotional depth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Many of the Pneumatics vary in intelligence, not in an ignorant or genius way, but in the specialization of how they think. Each Pneumatic has their own affinity for some form of intelligence, for instance one Pneumatic may be very musical, very rhythmically talented, and have an acute sense of hearing, while another may be very logical, only trying to use logic as far as it can get him.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Now the only thing different from the Pneumatics in comparison to humans is that they had that ability to mentally picture some other dimension, although that's never been able to be proven.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Many of the Pneumatics names stem from numbers of aspects, but typically come from some base derivative with added endings or beginnings to give the names a more personal and individual feel.  
The Pneumatics by Cone of a Widow
    Going by this picture, from left to right, the names of all the Pneumatics and some of their name meanings are:  
  • Tox - referring to some of the paints that contained lead in the olden days and with his common green color which in media can often be portrayed with green
  • Literī - coming from a corruption of litterae, litterārum in Latin which means letter and uses the masculine singular genitive case -ī.
  • Chill - just simply derived from the not so now common phrase "take a chill-pill".
  • Prota - Not originally coming from protagonist, actually it came from protozoa (I was having trouble deciding what Prota would represent, as well as Newell and a few others), there are many other naming reasons for Prota though.
  • Amp'd - Yeah I had trouble for this one, I was thinking of changing it but it grew on me after a long bit, it mainly stems from amplification not the common amp appliance really.
  • Vex (Red) - Vex is simply his name, Vex, which can mean annoyed.
  • Lūnus (Yellow)- Lūnus comes from a Latin masculine corruption of Lūna, Lūnae which means moon.
  • Cell - basically I wanted to fit insel and cell together, I'm a linguist so I do like using other languages and insel in modern media probably comes from the germen word insel which means island
  • Lest - basically just lust and lest, that old English word
  • Newell - coming from a last name Newmaker and "knew well" essentially
  • Nil (Nilly) - coming from Latin Nihil, which means nothing, but also the modern ideology that has sprung in the last 100 years, Nihilism, not necessarily a direct tie to who Nil is though.
  • Vanilla (Vani) - Vanilla comes from multiple meanings, if you've heard of a game being called vanilla (popular references like Vanilla Minecraft and Vanilla Skyrim) that stands for any game that essentially isn't modded, the base game. Vanilla also as in a flavor and I can't remember what it was but I think there was another meaning.
  • Snap - kinda comes from Snapdragons, (I originally had plans to make the Pneumatics to either represent living organisms or specifically plants and fungi, long before I had thoughts of Depthopolis.) but also the kinda idea that people Snap into insanity.
ā, ē, ī, ō, ū, ӯ

Gender Ideals

No one is completely sure how the Pneumatics see gender, only one seems to have interest in any further than friend relationship, and only with those that are female, and not always being human.


The Pneumatics aren't well known for their history before Depthopolis since no one believes them in their beliefs they came from someone's mind and somehow wound up in Depthopolis.   But for the curious among who read this, a few years after that someone was born, a few Pneumatics appeared around age 5, being similar in color and behavior with Cell, Vex, and Lunus. Later on more Pneumatics split off from these first three, then creating Tox, Vani, and Chill lookalikes, but these were not like the modern Pneumatics in color, still having many steps till their current forms but first emerged around age 8. Soon after those three came four more, all of whom were unlike any modern Pneumatics but later gave rise to the more modern Pneumatics.
(I will add more story some day here but consider some of this as completely uncanon.)   Yada yada yada this eventually came to the newest and so far final arrivals of Prota and Newell, Newell being a Split from Amp'd, and Prota somehow being partially conglomerated from parts of Tox, Amp'd, and Lunus. Which was a first to everyone, they had good times introducing Prota and Newell, not having had another addition yet as they have moved from their original dimension, it is unsure if any of them will continue living on or if some new Pneumatic will come into the picture.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Pneumatica?
Not yet known
Conservation Status
No efforts were made to try and exterminate or contain this species despite their potential danger. Instead of this, a private government company led by the current mayor of the finite dimension Depthopolis, (insert name here), has negotiated they become a branch of Depthopolis' anti-terrorist defense force, a lingering problem within Depthopolis' portals over the past few time scales.
Average Height
1.9 - 2.3 metres
Average Weight
~90 kg
  • can vary quickly
  • Average Physique
    All Pneumatics seem to be pretty tall when docile, very slender. They're actual physique can change depending on how massive they are at the time, but they also don't really seem to get as tired as normal humans do when performing human tasks, such as cleaning or running.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Every Pneumatic's Chaotic Substrate or ChStr seems to emit some different unique wavelength and amplitude variation mainly on the human visible light spectrum, it is not known what role this plays in the Pneumatics. changes in skin color also prevalent within 3 of the Pneumatics and it has been hypothesized that the change in skin color is evidence for a greater level of ChStr Control in an individual Pneumatic.
    Geographic Distribution

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    Cover image: The Pneumatics by Cone of a Widow


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