Raining on the Parade Plot in Demergion | World Anvil
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Raining on the Parade

Adventure Overview

Adventure Cause

World Events?

The Wright's awakening has called for sacrifice.

How does the party learn about this Quest?

After arriving in The Hamlet of Inverness the group finds themselves enjoying a festival celebrating the victory of Captain Seymoure over the Tyrant lord.

Adventure Information

Rundown of the Adventure

The next morning after the group arrives in Inverness the group find themselves swooped up in a local celebration. Which after a few hours turns sour quite quickly as the goblins swoop in from the forest seeking to bring destruction and collect sacrifices.

Who is involved in the adventure?

Who is behind the adventure? (BBEG)
Shaman Pinkeye
Who is effected?
The people of The Hamlet of Inverness

What happened already?

When did it happen?

Two hours into the Captain's Feast, (celebration of The Legend of Captain Seymoure), which is had the next day after the group arrives in The Hamlet of Inverness.

Where did it happen?

The Hamlet of Inverness and the nearby forest.

Why did it happen?

With the Wright on the rise, is requires sacrifices, and to that end the goblins guided by the voice have made camp in The Überlauf Tal, and have been kidnaping travelers on the road, which might've gone unnoticed with the beasts from the mountains roaming the land. These people have been dragged to various ritual sites and have been sacrificed to the wright, their soul energy restoring the spectral shape ever so slightly.   Now the goblins ever pressed to make a move, have tried something more brash and have openly attacked The Hamlet of Inverness seeking to take as many souls as they can.

How did it happen?

In the morning loading up to the attack two groups of goblins get into position, one to cause as much trouble as possible, the other to catch as many victims as possible.

Player Information

Who is the Quest Giver?

The town leader of Inverniss, the Mountain Dwarf by the name of Mysria Wildblade.

What happened?

The town is getting attacked, go drive out the goblins and safe who they captured.

How does the QG want this resolved?

Quickly and efficiently.

What does the QG offer

  • 2 healing potions, and assistance in further endeavors.

DM Information

Combat Information

Three sperate fights:
  • Main Town Square:
    • The majority of the people and events are here, and most will be able to find shelter in the tower.
    • A group comprised out of 2 Ankheg, as well as 8 goblins and 2 bugbears will attack, some of the goblins use the ankheg to tunnel in.
      • Ankheg: 2 x CR2 = 4 PCs
      • 2 Bugbears: 2 x CR1 = 2 PCs
      • 8 goblins: 8 x CR1/4 = 2 PCs
      • Total: 8 PCs (/5.5 = 1.5 = Hard/Deadly)
  • Edge of town:
    • Lamberto's Travling Store of Magical Curios is in town, but due to his performance wants to be a little peace and quiet. As such he has set up on the edge of town. A group of people, this has attracted the attention of a few younger children and a few adults as well. About half have come from nearby villages. A smaller group of goblins (4 total led by Captain Gemzig) have made a move here but due to Lamberto's quick thinking only 1 child has captured (Ivan Zeisl ), as well as his father. 
  • Forest Party:
    • A group of younger people wanted to celebrate per the old ways, booze, fire and pirate songs. And a forest hideaway. These are a mix of locals and others from nearby villages.
    • See: A Damsel in Distress.

Other Information

Enemy Info
  • The Goblins do this for the Wright.
Festival Games
  • Hamer Game: hosted by Thornik Blackpass, a wooden construction harbors a strength game.
    • Cost: The Contestant pays: 5 CP, 5 SP or 5 GP to partake, becoming eligible for different prices.
    • Rules: To win, the contestant muse succeed on a DC 14/17/20 STR check.
    • Price: A round of dwarven ale, a Dwarven Hand axe or a Dwarven magical war axe. The Great axe has runes on them, and might be magical (+1 weapon)
  • Fighting Pit: Hosted by Alexander. A contestant must take up three fighters to take home the trophy.
    • Cost: Admittance is free. Afterward a potion can be bought for 1 GP to cure wounds (reset failures).
    • Rules: The contestants are putted against each other, and must succeed on ability checks to best each other. Each contestant has a bonus (+0/+2/+4).
    • Price: When the last contestant is defeated, the victor takes home a metal trophy and a bottle of fine wine.
  • Ball Throw: Hosted by Alexander. Five circles are put on the ground, and you have three throws to score the most points.
    • Cost: For 1 CP, you receive three balls, 2 CP is five balls and 3 CP is six balls.
    • Rules: Make a throwing check using dexterity, you receive points on the roll: 10>: 1, 15>: 2, 20>: 3
    • Price: After you've thrown your balls you receive a price based on your total: 3+: a fancy looking tooth, 6+: A pirate flag, 9+: A fishing kit, 12+: a dragon scale (White), 15+: A marble statue of a smug halfling.
  • Fishing: Hosted by Ben Silver, the local fisher. In this barrel many fishes are "swimming", they are weighted wooden and have a number on their bottom.
    • Cost: 1 CP to participate,
    • Rules: The players roll a 1d100, for their price.
    • Price: 1-60: They keep the wooden fish, 61-80: A free meal in the Inn, 81-90: A fishing rod, 91-95: A fish trophy, 96-99: A fisher's lantern, with oil, 100: A treasure map, leading to Ben's fishing spot.
  • Follow the Ball: Hosted by Lara, one of the farmers, who is a wright-follower.
    • Cost: bet 1 CP, 1 SP, 1 GP for a price
    • Rules: Follow the ball and if you're correct you win. The number of cups are 3/5/7 depending on the bet. A DC 8+cups perception check allows the ball to be followed.
    • Price: Depending on the bet: A: A eerie whistle, B: A windchime carved from bone, C: A music box playing eerie music.
  • Ride The River Barge: Hosted by Arenin, four farmhand, four ropes and a dickey boat mimics stormy water.
    • Cost: 1 CP
    • Rules: The contestant must succeed on three Acrobatic or Athletics opposed by the farmhands (one roll with advantage with a +4 bonus). If the roll is successful three times before two failures, the contestant wins, and receives the price. Upon failing once, the contestant rolls with disadvantage.
    • Price: A small wooden box with the following: A coupon for a free inn stay with full meal, 5 GP, and a small carved ship.
  • Archery Contest: Hosted by Erlan, the local hunter.
    • Cost: 1 CP per arrow,
    • Rules: The contestant can take as many shots as they want, with the best shot receiving a reward. The shots receive a score 1 to 5 (lower is better) which is derived from the difference to the target AC 18. ie. a roll of 17+ is 1, and a 14 is a 3.
    • Price: 5: no reward, 4: A toy rabbit, 3: meal coupon, 2: A well made wooden bird whisle., 1: A fine longbow (+1 to damage) with a quiver of arrows.
  • Hammer Throw: Hosted by Erlan, the local hunter.
    • Cost: 2 CP, which is added to a pot.
    • Rules: This game is played in groups of two or more. Each contestant makes three Athletics check and combines the results.
    • Price: The Highest total takes the pot.


Assisting NPCs

Other NPCs

  • N/A

Hostile NPCs



  • Villagers might have gold on them.


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