A Damsel in Distress Plot in Demergion | World Anvil
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A Damsel in Distress

Adventure Overview

Adventure Cause

How does the party learn about this Quest?

Hot on the heels of Raining on the Parade, the attack is repelled, but people are still missing.

Adventure Information

Rundown of the Adventure

Following Raining on the Parade, the daughter of the blacksmith, Melanie Faymann is no longer in town, and the smith Thornik Blackpass needs someone to check the forest camp where the young-uns where celebrating. He himself will come along, but Mysria Wildblade insists he directs a fire fighting effort as he has experience with that, he won't unless the party insists.   These young-uns have retreated to an old forest mine, which is places on a clearing in the shadow of a 15ft. cliff. Here the remains of a fire mark the party earlier. Which was disturbed when a group of goblins barged trough. Which attempted to celebrate the people celebrating, some took initiative into their drunken hands and drew swords but where outnumbered. The rest not risking a fight made a run into the mine. Those who didn't where captured, now a small group of goblins are guarding the mine, while another group searches for the people.   All an all, there where about 8 people celebrating here, 3 people made a stand of which one was killed the other two where dragged off. The other five, including Melanie made it into the mines and are now lost.

Who is involved in the adventure?

Who is behind the adventure? (BBEG)
  • The Goblin, boss leading the search, Boss Brovzek
  • The goblins with him: 12 goblins with him, including an artificer.
  • 3 goblins keeping watch.
  • The five people in the mine.
  • Whatever lives in the mine.
Who is effected?
The 8 people in celebrating in the forest.

What happened already?

When did it happen?

During the attack in the Hamlet, a group of goblins split of and captured the people in the forest. This was at the start of the attack, so about 1h ago.

Where did it happen?

The old forest mine, the Grand Quarry.

Why did it happen?

Goblins demand sacrifice.

How did it happen?

  1. The goblins attacked,
  2. Three people made a stand and where disposed of
  3. The Rest fled into the mine and ran into something (gelatinous ooze)
  4. The Goblins seeking easy prey went in and got a little lost, similar to the people hiding as well.

Player Information

Who is the Quest Giver?

Thornik Blackpass

What happened?

Melanie Faymann went to the forest and I fear for her life, and I will go alone if I must.

How does the QG want this resolved?

Find her bring her home.

What does the QG offer

A favor (100 GP in labour for house), a fine dagger (+1 damage)

DM Information

Combat Information

  1. Goblin Group 1:
    • four goblins keeping watch
  2. Goblin Group 2:
    • 1 goblin boss
    • 12 goblins
  3. Monsters:
    • 1 gelatinous cube
    • 1 Troll, sleepy

Investigations Information

Finding the path into the mine is not to difficult, but finding the way out might be. Marks and signs point towards the outside.

Other Information

The mine is home to two large parts, among these are the troll lair and the cube hall.


Assisting NPCs

Lost in the Mine
  1. A: Male Forest-Gnome: Nick
  2. B: Male Silver Dragonborn: Lorenz
  3. C: Female Half-Elf: Melanie Faymann
  4. D: Male Human: Jakob
  5. E: Male Wood-Elf: Felix

Hostile NPCs

  • Goblin boss: Boss Brovzek
  • The Troll: Alwan



  • Various mining tools: 2-5 GP
  • Old ore: about 10 GP for a bag
  • Gold Pouch of a lost explorer: 1 healing potion, 50 GP, +1 warpick


  • +1 warpick.

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