Hunting Owlbear Plot in Demergion | World Anvil
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Hunting Owlbear

Adventure Overview

Adventure Cause

World Events?

  • The appearance of the Wright has driven the Duergar from their mountan hold, which forced them to build a temporary fort. This contruction required lumber and so the forest lashed out.

How does the party learn about this Quest?

While hunting for the owlbears, the group will stuble onto a duargar (Hurdain Giantmarch) who is dragging of a half dead brother (Bendur Giantmarch). These grey dwarves will ask the group for assitance, and promise to make it worth their while as their leader has a sword with a very valuable gem.

Adventure Information

Rundown of the Adventure

As the Wright is establishing his grasp on the mountains to the north of The Überlauf Tal, many of its demizens are force to relocate. Among these are the Duergar of Ogalthr vior Got. Many of these grey dwarves died, others fled deeper and some ventured into the overworld. A small group has made a fort in the foothills north of Inverniss. The construction of this fort, partially build in an abandoned mind required a logging opperation, and The Watcher in the Trees has taken notice. But due to the obsydian hand (hewn from the statue in their overrun keep) which exhumes the will of Ladugeur the trees remain dormant. And thus the forest calls upon it's denizens to strike at these dwarves.

Who is involved in the adventure?

  • The Watcher in the Trees: Protecting their home
  • The Dwarves from Ogalthr vior Got: Claiming a new home
  • The owlbears: doing their part
Who is behind the adventure? (BBEG)
  • Fleeing dwarves force the forest to protect itself. By means of necromancy and beasts
Who is effected?
  • Hurdain does carry a shard of Obsydian which comes from the statue of Ladugeur in their mountain hold. It represses the power of the gods in a nearby radius (10ft.) and makes the light around them dimmer.

What happened already?

Two owlbears have heeded the call, and have salvaged a frost-wolf which could be imbued with the fey power of the Watcher. But it takes time. Sensing trouble the Grey Dwarves have send a party to deal with the disturbance sensed by their priest. But they underestimated the protection of the site, and where killed, all but two. (Hurdain and Bendur).

Where did it happen?

  • The Attack and the lair: Build upon and old warehouse depot named: "Adrian's Supplies"
  • The Duergar camp: Build upon the old "regium serpentis" mine.

How did it happen?

  • (this happned about 8h ago) Sensing a building power, visions of necromancy, the grey-dwarf priest (Ketlen Runerest) commanded captain (Benmek Keeneye) to investigate and destroy the dusturbance. Their attack was defeated by the owlbears returning from their hunt, and where swiftly attacked and picked of. The onlt survivers where Hurdain and Bendur

Player Information

What happened?

  • We came here to investigate an evil power
  • We where attacked by two giant beasts that hooted.
  • They dragged a massive white wolf along.

How does the QG want this resolved?

  • Find the power and detroy it's source, if you do you can keep whatever you can find on our companions.

What does the QG offer

  • The Captain (Benmek) has a sword decorated with a large diamont, you are free to keep it.

DM Information

Combat Information

  • The supply point is defended by two male owl bears, one has sufferd minor damage, the other has sufferd greater damage
  • The Watcher in the Trees will support with druid spells (DC 15, + 7)

Other sides of the Quest

  • The Owlbears are forced to do this by the watcher, who in turn is forced by the actions of the Grey Dwarves.



  • The supply point has various old bag of ore and supplies, which could fetch about 200 GP worth, these are seperated in four 50GP stashes.
  • The old tavern (The Rest) has a bag with supplies (medkit, healing potion and herbalism kit) as well as a document from the old Adrian, which described an old stash of supplies hidden under the central tower.


  • A fragment of the statue of the Duergar god, which negates/supresses devine magical effects (tied to dawn) and lowers the light level by one (Light -> Dim, Dim -> Dark) in a 10ft. radius.

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