Rhassain Geographic Location in Delkara | World Anvil
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The Sydarian Capital of Rhassain is a largely frozen world with a narrow strip of tolerably temperate taiga at the equator. In the winter, even this ends up buried beneath layers of snow, leading the Sydarians to seek shelter indoors. This equatorial valley is covered in transplanted Terran flora and fauna, originally placed there by the Lightbringers to aid the planet's role as a dedicated home for the humans that would eventually become Sydarians, where they could exist with minimal supervision. This intentional adaptation to human needs, along with the metropolitan centers that grew out of necessity against the brutal winters, made it a uniquely perfect choice to serve as the Sydarian capital after their sudden liberation and immediate need to form a peacetime government from nothing. It serves little strategic purpose and has the unfortunate history of having been designed by the Sydarians' captors to make life possible but incredibly difficult. Nevertheless, it is the closest analogue they have to a true ancestral homeworld, and they hold it dear.
Alternative Name(s)
Sub-Node 4-12
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