Titansteel Material in Death of a Star | World Anvil
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Hyper durrable alloy used in starship armor and power armor, also used by the wyvina to make ultranium


Material Characteristics

A shiny white silver like metal with a hint of gold coloring

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is a very strong matterial that is easy to shape.



Origin & Source

An alloy of Titanium, Gold, and Carbon combined to make this alloy.

History & Usage


Titansteel has been around for as long as Forgehub Alpha. Many nations (Especially blacklight) import hundreds of titansteel for ship armor, ship weapons, and power armor due to its insane durability. Blacklight is one of the biggest buyers of titansteel as they either use it or xilium in everything they make.


First discovered by the bebiki known as Bretou Kreadiste. When it was clear that thee world was doomed and needed to make a new home for them in space, the entire world was searching for the perfect mineral to make the New Home out of. Bretou and his mining corp (know known as bebiki industries) started to experiment with titanium gold, and after adding steel to the mix found that it was much easier to work with and much stronger.

Everyday use

Used in the production of starbases, starships, starship ammo, and power armor

Manufacturing & Products

Starship/base Armor, power armor, and ammo for starships are made out of Titansteel for its high durability and ease to make.


The production of titansteel produces a lot of smoke that is lethal to most organisms if inhaled. The alloy also losses its biocompatibility.

Reusability & Recycling

Titansteel scrap(or anything with titansteel in it) can be melted down back into titansteel


Trade & Market

Titansteel is produced in mass by several nations, but most of the titansteel is bought from Bebiki industries.
1500 OUC per lbs
Semi rare
Very white silver with a little bit of gold
Common State

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