Petah/Sarphyra Character in D&D world | World Anvil
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Goddess of Fear, Sex and Strife; Goddess of the Whirling Blade

In her Petah aspect, traditionally known to humans, she is associated with valour, music and flowers. She is also associated with luck and fate. She is often worshipped by youths. Her numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by the shrines in their homes. There are numerous shrines to her in large cities. There are many myths involving her rough relationship with certain mortals. She is the cousin of Elae. She is known to send visions to random mortals.   In her Sarphyra aspect, traditionally known to elves, this goddess of warriors can impart an unstoppable berserker rage in worshippers.   She is the creator of concubi, who she later exiled to the Abyss when they proved unruly.

Divine Domains

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In her Petah aspect, she is very beautiful, with ashen skin, long, straight pale red hair, and eyes the color of new-forged copper. She is medium height and somewhat muscular, and almost never smiles. She usually wears leather armor dyed pale gold.   In her Sarphyra aspect, she takes the form of a maiden. She is very tall and has a wasp-waisted build. Her large eyes are green. She has yellow skin. Her outfit is made from the bones of an ancient monster, and is that of a warrior. She carries a basket.   She also sometimes takes the form of a whirling cloud of weapons.
Current Location

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