Lycanthropy Condition in D&D world | World Anvil
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Transmission & Vectors

Lycanthropes are either born or made. If a person is bitten by a lycanthrope, their body has a chance to fight off the curse, and if they can't, they become the same type of lycanthrope that bit them. All children with a lycanthrope mother are born as the same type of lycanthrope as their mother. In addition, children with a lycanthrope father and non-lycanthrope mother have a 50% chance of developing lycanthropy naturally in early childhood.


In humanoid form, lycanthropes look no different from any other member of their parent race. However, they can shift into a hybrid form, which is bipedal with animalistic features, and an animal form.   Every full moon, a lycanthrope must transform into either their hybrid or animal form. Born lycanthropes maintain full control over themselves in all forms, and can shift at will, the only restriction being the inability to maintain humanoid form during the night of the full moon. Made lycanthropes must learn to control their form, or else transform involuntarily when hurt or during the full moon and lose all control over their actions during that time.   Lycanthropy also creates a connection with their maker - the one who bit them for a made lycanthrope, or their lycanthrope parent if born (for a child of two lycanthropes, this connection is always with the mother). If their maker dies, all of the lycanthropes they made begin having dreams or trance visions of their maker's memories.


A remove curse can rid an afflicted lycanthrope of the curse, but a natural born lycanthrope can be freed of the curse only with a wish.

Affected Groups

Types of lycanthropes include:   Wererats   Wereboars   Werewolves   Weretigers   Werebears   Weresharks   Werecrocodiles   Weredolphins   Wererabbits


The lycanthropes, mostly elves, were affected by the great Curse that warped the land. Followers of Inia, they prayed to her for salvation, and she saved them by giving them a magical link to an animal form. The few non-elven lycanthropes were turned by elven lycanthropes, or are descended from those who were.

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