Limboloth Species in D&D world | World Anvil
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Collectors of knowledge, impartial observers, and kidnappers of the Gods.
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Medium yugoloth, neutral
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 30 8d8
Speed 30ft

11 0
18 +4
8 -1
14 +2
12 +1
18 +4

Skills Deception +6, Insight +3
Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Yugoloth
Challenge 6

Rift. The Limboloth has its own personal state of existence it can enter and leave. While in this state it is invulnerable to all forms of interaction (attacking, touching, spells, ect.) that would not affect a target on a different plane. The limboloth cannot interact with others in a similar way while in this plane. It is visible and audible to others and others are to it.   Rift Rejection. The Limboloth can remove enemies from rift at any time, including when receiving an attack.


Rift Walk. As a bonus action it can enter and leave the Rift.   Banish As an action the Limboloth can reach out and grab an opponent making a melee spell attack (proficiency and charisma), if it hits both it and the target are brought into the rift and may only interact with others in the rift.   Stasis (recharge 5-6). As an action the limboloth can pause time for those who are trapped in the rift, this functions like a time stop spell except for the following: it only targets those in the rift, damage doesn’t cancel the effect, and it can be escaped by a DC 18 Cha at the end of the limboloth’s turn.   Cataclysm 1/day. The Limboloth can use a turn to pull a 30ft sphere of space no more than 60ft from it into the rift on it’s next turn. The sphere remains open for 15 minutes, all creatures and objects in the sphere are considered to be in the rift for the duration and the Limboloth can control the area of the rift in several ways (save DC 18):   It can move objects and creatures as if casting a telekinesis spell except that it takes a bonus action and not an action.   It can create blasts of force similar to the thunderwave spell except that it deals force damage and the blast knocks them towards the center of the sphere. Objects that are thrown can deal bludgeoning damage to creatures based on size.   The Limboloth need not be inside the sphere and ranged attack leaving the sphere are counted as leaving the rift if they move past the area


Rift Evasion. If targeted by an attack the rift doppelganger can make a Dexterity saving throw equal to the attack’s roll to hit.



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