Kushiel Character in Dawnmire | World Anvil
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Kushiel, also known as the Godsmith, Bori in Esfellosia, and the Hammer Empyrean, is the god tasked with the Rebuilding of Heaven, and is worshipped in numerous cultures as the god of the forge, artisans and smiths, architects, and the home. He is also considered the patron deity and, in some mythologies, divine ancestor of the dwarves.   Kushiel is generally presented as the offspring of the goddess Uriel, in some traditions as her son with Iophiel, and as the Esfellosian god Bori exists in a divine pair of Mokshi. While not directly worshipped by the Church of Ages, he is honored as one of the teachers of the god Metatron, and is sometimes equated with Saint Ingmaro the Architect.  


Kushiel is commonly depicted as an incredibly muscular man made of gold, platinum, and blue light, bearing a mighty blacksmith's hammer. Many traditions, especially dwarves, also depict him with a long beard.

Divine Domains

Kushiel's primary divine portfolio is the Forge, though he is sometimes viewed in accordance with the domains of Knowledge and Order. He has also been known bestow clerical powers normally associated with the Light and War domains to followers who embark on great crusades for scattered Heavenly fragments.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kushiel is most often represented by a shining hammer amongst clouds and stars, or an anvil.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Kushiel's exclusive goal is the reconstruction of the shattered realm of Heaven, and the collection of its scattered fragments to do so. While he is most commonly represented as a passive builder, largely uninterested in the affairs of the wider universe, a small number of mystery cults and holy orders dedicated to Kushiel have a more distinctly warlike bend, tirelessly working to track down fragments of Heaven and reclaim them for the Godsmith.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
God (Celestial)

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