Nar Shaddaa Geographic Location in Darth Ruin | World Anvil
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Nar Shaddaa



Nar Shaddaa is tidally-locked to Nal Hutta, which results in the fact that only one side of the moon always faces the parent planet, while the other side was faces towards empty space. Ancient refueling spires and loading docks reach out from the native soil and some built in the upper atmosphere. In between these ports, massive vertical cities grew. The urban areas on Nar Shaddaa were known as vertical cities since new layers of housing and entertainment buildings were built on top of older layers, like Coruscant and Taris.
While much of Coruscant is filled with gleaming apartments and well-maintained skywalks, the entire moon that is Nar Shaddaa is dominated by decaying urban landscape and congested, polluted cities. The moon is protected by planetary shields. Anything illegal elsewhere can be bought and sold on Nar Shaddaa, and many young smugglers, pirates and criminals started their careers on the Smugglers' Moon. Various sections of Nar Shaddaa are controlled by the Hutts and other criminal organizations.
Despite the criminal activities on the Smugglers' Moon, it is known that many of the galaxy's most advanced technologies were actually developed on Nar Shaddaa. Corporations that wanted to avoid regulations that prohibited testing often developed such dangerous and even valuable technology within the lower levels of the city of the moon.

Physical Information

Class - Terrestrial
Diameter - 4,750km
Atmosphere - Type 1 (Breathable)
Climate - Temperate
Terrain - Global Urban Zones

Points of Interest

  • The Burning Deck
  • The Slag Pit
  • Meltdown Cafe
  • Orange Lady
  • Rimmer's Rest
  • Sith Academy
  • Refugee Sector
  • Jekk'Jekk Tarr Cantina
  • Undercity
  • Promenade
  • Star Cluster Casino
  • Club Vertica Casino

Major Cities

  • New Vertica
  • Ko Hentota
  • Duros Sector
  • Corellian Sector
  • Refugee Sector
  • Red Sector
  • Undercity
  • Industrial Sector
Alternative Name(s)
Smuggler's moon
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Included Locations
Owning Organization
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