Black Sun Organization in Darth Ruin | World Anvil
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Black Sun


Vigo (Territory/Sector overseer)
Crime Lord
Gang Leader

Public Agenda

The Black Sun are involved in all forms of illegal activity. Smuggling is only the tip of the iceberg. The Black Sun's information networks rival even the Republic SIS.


The Black Sun's assets rival those belonging to large planetary armies, including foot soldiers. It has tendrils reaching into vast stretches of the known galaxy.


Founded sometime between 21347 - 21356 on Coruscant. The Black Sun began after the sacking of Coruscant, during the unrest in the resulting chaotic aftermath of the cleanup. Several gangs began to band together and took control of several of the lower levels. As the senate became aware of the situation, they began to send Coruscant Security Forces to defend the area. Dissatisfied citizens also began to band together to defend themselves, as the CSF was clearly being overwhelmed. In the years following the aftermath and reconstruction, the Black Sun was able to maintain a covert presence, but was successfully able to extend it's reach beyond Coruscant itself, as well. Moving beyond the Galactic Core, the Black Sun was able to extend it's reach even to the Outer Rim, in some areas.

"Better a Black Sun than none."

Founding Date
Illicit, Syndicate
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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