Interstellar Commerce Commission in Darkness Between Stars | World Anvil
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Interstellar Commerce Commission

"The thing to remember is there are going to be a lot of heavyweights in there. You've got Feds, Interstellar Commerce Commission, Colonial Administration, insurance company guys..." ―Burke to Ripley, regarding her inquest (from Aliens)
  The Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC) was the central organization through which interstellar trade was conducted and monitored. All trade vessels and crew members were required to hold an ICC licence. The ICC was also responsible for enforcing quarantine procedures on all Earth-bound cargo. The ICC was owned and operated by Weyland-Yutani Corporation. All major Colonial Marshal offices have a ICC agent attached to them.  


The ICC had its headquarters in the "Ruby Colony" of KOI-812.03, in the Outer Veil.   The ICC maintained an Engineering Trade School with campuses on Earth and Mars. Dennis Parker graduated from the Martian campus while Samuel Brett earned a degree in engineering at the ICC school on Earth.

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