General Equipment in Darkness Between Stars | World Anvil
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General Equipment

"Don’t worry about equipment – we’ll supply everything you need out there, and vessels are always well-equipped. As far as purchasing things is concerned, just put it on credit using your ID, and we’ll deduct it from your pay and bonuses once your tour is over, or once you decide to quit...   That covers everything: food, board, medical provisions. Of course, you might want to keep your spending in check; if you want to sleep off-ship and stay in a fancy hotel, then go ahead, but the costs will soon mount up."
  Certain pieces of equipment will give you a +1 bonus to your roll; let’s say that you need to fix a door lock and you have a handy set of tools to do just the job. You roll your die as normal but because you have the proper tools you’ll get a +1 to the roll, making it easier for you. Perhaps you have a laser sight for your Dazer – that’ll help you aim, so that’s a +1 to your roll to hit.   Each crew member gets a standard crew pack, which includes the following:  

Comm Unit

This is a handheld communicator with a surface-to-orbit range. They’re only good for voice communication, and you can contact individual comm units like telephones or broadcast to a group.  

ID Chip

These chips get you into approved areas, work as proof of identity, and allow you to purchase goods on credit. Most people have their chip embedded into a card or wear it around their neck, but the chips were designed to be put under the skin, in the forearm or under the back of the hand.   It’s up to you if you want to implant your chip, but if you do, make a note of where it is. You won’t be able to purchase weapons or illegal items with your ID chip, and if you do try, then you’ll be automatically reported and will either have your pay docked or be prosecuted.   An ID Chip may be combined with a PDT.  

Personal Data Transmitter

A Personal Data Transmitter, also known as a PDT, is a form of personal locator typically surgically implanted into the body of extrasolar colonists, among others.   The purpose of a PDT is to allow rapid location of the associated personnel anywhere within a certain radius of the receiving equipment, sometimes up to 30km distance. They are also capable of relaying rudimentary vital signs regarding the user, although this particular function is known to be subject to malfunction.   For those who did not receive implants, wearable versions of this technology were also made available. The Personal Data Trasmitter Bracelet/Locator Tube Set, also known as a PDT/L, is a two part system, where one piece is a wrist-worn accessory, and the other is its dedicated locator. Limited to a range of under 100 meters, the locator tub digitally displays its proximity to the bracelet and beeps louder as it approaches the transmitter. If the tube is synced to an APT TAC center, full biometric data of the wearer can be accessed.

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