Computers in Darkness Between Stars | World Anvil
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Computer Mainframes



Seegson’s answer to MU/TH/UR, A.P.O.L.L.O. was designed to coordinate Seegson’s Working Joe synthetics to run a starship. In all other regards it is less advanced than the MU/TH/UR models. A.P.O.L.L.O. Comtech 5, Piloting 4, Observation 5 $2,000,000  


The HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic Computer) 9000 computer is an artificial intelligence and the onboard computer on the spaceship Discovery One. HAL 9000, more commonly called "HAL", became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 12, 1992.   HAL is built into the Discovery One spacecraft, and is in charge of maintaining all mechanical and life support systems on board. HAL also has several "eyes" placed periodically around the spacecraft.   HAL is capable of many functions, such as speech, speech recognition, facial recognition, lip-reading, interpreting emotions, expressing emotions, and chess, in addition to maintaining all systems on Discovery. HAL speaks in a soothing male voice, always using a calm tone.  


Most starships, space stations, and military facilities are run via a sophisticated computer system called MU/TH/UR. Originally developed by Weyland Corporation at the end of the 21st century, the MU/TH/UR system soon became the standard for running complex automated systems and facilities. Affectionately nicknamed “Mother” by the crews who utilize these computers, over the decades various models have sported different levels of AI packages.   While both the MU/TH/UR 1000 and 9000 series are sophisticated interactive models that over time can develop rudimentary personalities, most military, cargo, and utilitarian craft of today are equipped with the standard 5000 through 8000 series. While these machines can communicate through the ship’s intercom system, most of them can only be directly accessed through the computer core. Card and punch code entry to this secure and static free chamber is only granted to the vessel’s commanding officer. The computer core also allows the commanding officer to issue alternate commands and overrides to "Mother’s" automated routine.

MU/TH/UR 6000 Comtech 5, Piloting 5, Observation 5 $2,500,000

MU/TH/UR 6500 Comtech 6, Piloting 5, Observation 6 $3,500,000

MU/TH/UR 7000 Comtech 7, Piloting 6, Observation 7 $5,000,000

MU/TH/UR 9000 Comtech 10, Piloting 8, Observation 10, Ranged Combat 9 $50,000,000


Pocket AI

Cheap, simple intelligences used as personal assistants and occasional companions. It's common for creators both corporate and open-source to build them with preset character personalities, complete with friendships, rivalries, and romantic relationships with other characters.  
Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (J.A.R.V.I.S.) is a natural-language user interface, programmed to replicate a male human with an English accent.  
FRIDAY, also known as Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth, is a natural-language user interface, programmed to replicate a female human with an Irish accent. It is known that the software is developed in C++ and is proprietary.  

Data Storage


Long-Data Disc

Holds up to 10 zettabytes (ZB) of data. After several data losses from electromagnetic pulses in the first half of the 21st century, the move was made to reintroduce and reinforce physical data storage. Weyland Corp scientists took optical disc media and enhanced it to the next level. The result is a nano-optical long-data memory disc. Called LDs, each disc can hold up to 10 zettabytes (ZB) of data. All colony and corporate records are backed up on these discs in case of an electromagnetic discharge.  

Magnetic Tape

Holds up to 120 terabytes (TB) of data. A two-hundred-year-old technology, magnetic tape cassettes have become popular on the Frontier simply because they are both disposable and cheap. Utilizing sputter deposition technology, these cassettes can hold between 60, 90, or 120 terabytes (TB) of information each.   While easily disrupted by a strong magnetic pulse, the benefit of magnetic tapes is that the archaic technology that runs them produces no easily detected wave signals. Most security sensor grids are set to detect more sophisticated electronic hardware. All these factors combined have managed to keep magnetic tapes in vogue for the past fifty years.  

Diagnostics And Displays


Modular Computing Device

Weight: – Cost: $8,000 Comments: Full audiovisual holographic projector. Perfected and manufactured by Weyland Corp in the 21st Century, a MCD is a high-end full audio/visual holographic projector. The holograms generated can fill a 6x6m area and are completely immersive.

Personal Data Transmitter

Weight: 0 Cost: $100 Comments: Monitors location and vitals. These “PDTs” transmit the recipient’s location. Some models also monitor vital signs. Most corporate sponsored Frontier worlds equip their colonists with PDTs in order to keep track of them in hostile environments. PDTs can be surgically implanted, built into a pressure suit, or worn as an accessory.  

Seegson P-DAT

Weight: 1/2 Cost: $500 Comments: Coordinate info for field teams. A personal data tablet, a P-DAT can be synced with Spectrograph Mapping Devices, PDTs, and helmet cams to coordinate a team on the go.  

Seegson System Diagnostic Device

Weight: 1 Cost: $300 Comments: Troubleshoot computer. The SSDD is used to troubleshoot computer and mechanical systems aboard a space station or starship. A good engineer knows how to use one of these to hack doors and computer terminals but you didn’t read that here (COMTECH +2).

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