Dragonsteel Material in Damori | World Anvil
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Dragonsteel was first created by the Iron Order in their formative years. The steel is quenched in dragon's blood, bonding the ambient magic of the dragon to the steel. This metal, when made into weapons, proved incredibly effective against draconic creatures, burning upon contact with their flesh. The technique wasn't shared lightly outside of the Order, and since the Order's collapse, few know of it.


Material Characteristics

Dragonsteel looks like some sort of dark steel, though really only darker by a few shades.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Dragonsteel produces a burning sensation upon contact with draconic beasts.
Melting / Freezing Point
1570 degrees Celsius roughly. As a type of steel this can vary depending on the exact alloy, plus the type of dragon's blood utilised in it's construction.

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