Krenhol Building / Landmark in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Krenhol (krɛnxol)

Krenhol is a Surface gate that is between Krenhold and the Crystal Fields. The gate itself is inside a clearing between some mountains, and has a grandiose Dwarf design to it.

Purpose / Function

It was built in order for Gau Dwarovar to have an entrance to the Surface during the Age of Exploration. That is pretty much its purpose still.


Sometimes the Gold decorations are stolen off of it, and are replaced with other (usually sturdier) materials after.


It was the first artificial Surface gate, so the defenses were built instantly and extra carefully right after it got dug out.
Founding Date
-2425 AoE
Architectural Element, Entrance / Entryway
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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