Drossir Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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The main hub of the Tribe of Endross, Drossir is a densely populated, walled-off settlement that's quite different from the usual tribal villages and is more akin to the Dwarvish Holds in terms of layout.


Even though the tribe of Endross is the main inhabitant, the other tribes and several outsiders can also be found here. Outsiders are not given residence, but they are free to pass through or even stay inside for as long as they wish.


The laws of the Endross are enforced all thorought the territory of the settlement via Magic. These laws do thus also double as carefully crafted spells functioning inside the invisible Magical Barrier of the city.


According to most Mages they can sense that there is an invisible Magical Barrier surrounding the settlement, the function of which seems to be to draw the borders of the city for the spells enforcing the laws.


The districts of Drossir are vertically aligned instead of horizontally. The cultural meaning or origin of this is still unknown to us.   Mokssar Hass - the mokssar hass is the district above a certain height, essentially splitting the buildings into several districts. This district has been observed to be primarily occupied by the leadership of the settlement.   Ssektar Hass - the ssektar hass is the district of the surface, the first few floors, and the basement level; it is where most inhabitants live.   Lahhal Hass - the lahhal hass is the district of the catacombs deep underground the settlement. This district has also been observed to be primarily occupied and visited by the leadership of the settlement.
Founding Date
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Owning Organization

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