Ath'rel Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Ath'rel is a settlement next to the Dinosaur Lake that has a large supply of berries, meat, and other foods.


A lot of Farmers and practicing Rangers find their home in Ath'rel. It also has a significant Spy and ex-criminal population.


Many inhabitants of Ath'rel benefit from the governments protection of identity due to working as Spies for the nation.   ORGANIZATION CHART NOT AVAILABLE


The center of the settlement houses the Information District, a district with a single large building where espionage is coordinated from. Surrounding it are many residential, trade, and farming-gathering districts, and a singular palace district.

Points of interest

The Information District has a lot of state secrets pass hands.
Founding Date
654 AoE
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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