Cyberpunk: promises broken Pharaoh-Vestalis Deal Finalized
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Pharaoh-Vestalis Deal Finalized

Civil action


By Chet Hixmann   ORIAX to sell off urban renewal branch Vestalis to PHARAOH

In an unprecedented deal between PHARAOH and ORIAX, parent company to Vestalis (the growing urban development and renewal corporation), the two mega-corporations hammered out the final details for the sale of Vestalis to PHARAOH Friday. Vestalis, which has quickly grown as the leader in urban programs, poverty control, crime prevention, and family planning, is rumored to be handed over to PHARAOH with a value of over E7.2 billion.   The philanthropic giant recently gained a degree of fame in the connection to uncovering the web of corruption at the CCPD DeSolee precinct. Vestalis has also been known for the rollout of the Hearthfire home defense system in the neighborhoods of Darrow and Welcome. Oscar Ellington, CEO of Vestalis spoke to reporters late on Friday saying in part “Vestalis will continue its mission in the less-fortunate parts of Crescent City. I expect no major changes at Vestalis for the foreseeable future. No one is being replaced and no one is getting fired. My only hope is that our new parent company shares my rigorous crusade in the name of Crescent City’s less fortunate, and that years in crime-free Giza hasn’t made them forget our great city’s humble beginnings.”   It is unclear why PHARAOH wished to acquire Vestalis now, in the company’s relatively short life, and why after such a long and cold rivalry between ORIAX and PHARAOH, the two mega-corporations were able to come to a deal here. Some speculate that the recent uptick in crime in the DeSolee neighborhood, as well as the C- grade NETWATCH gave the Hearthfire home defense system network might have figured into PHARAOH’s decision. Adam Osmond, CEO of PHARAOH, declined comment.

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