ORIAX Organization in Cyberpunk: Promises Broken | World Anvil
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ORIAX (Formerly "ORIAX Metrosystems" or sometimes "The ORIAX Company") is a tech mega-corporation focused on new technologies and innovation, aerospace, nanotech, cybertech, and biotech. ORIAX maintains only one office worldwide. ORIAX helped plan and build Crescent City and is largely credited with the success of the city through the years of the collapse. ORIAX was originally the city infrastructure branch of the corporate conglomerate Inter-Tech, but since the collapse and reconstruction, Inter-Tech has faded into the background as the owners of ORIAX and ORIAX has operated fairly independently for 25 years. ORIAX's contributions to humanity are numerous. The invention of sustainable cold fusion, reliable severe weather dampening, lattice-jet engines, EMP threading cyberwear, and bio-printed organ replacement. The current CEO of ORIAX is Ashton Janus.
Corporation, Conglomerate

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Jul 11, 2022 21:26

This is cool. It might be cool to have more about the Pharoh Corporation. Maybe there is and I missed it?