Neuralware Technology / Science in Cyberpunk Milan | World Anvil
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Though almost all cyberware requires some sort of neural connection in order to function, the term neuralware specifically refers to enhancements that primarily affect the brain and/or neurological systems.   All neuralware requires a neural processor, which is a cybernetically implanted computer that translates machine code to neural signals.  This is almost always implanted in the lower back, somewhere around the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, and is usually about the size of a credit card or a little larger.   Neuralware is well-protected against various shocks and malfunctions, with numerous safeguards both computer and mechanical against surges and the like.  These days, it's rare to hear of anyone being hurt by a neuralware malfunction, though a few decades ago it was relatively commonplace.  (The main exception to this rule is netrunning, as netrunners are connected much more completely via their neural interfaces and anti-personnel programs are built specifically to exploit that connection to cause injury.)   The most commonly seen type of of neuralware is an uplink port.
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