The Elves Species in Crystalis | World Anvil
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The Elves

Elven lore and story date back to the very dawn of the world. Elves are one of the oldest living races in the world of crystalis. Modern elves are seclusive, wild creatures that stick to themselves and their kin. Rare is it that a member of any other race would be accepted into their small circle of allies. Elves themselves rarely have a need to venture outside of their homelands deep within the Lost Wilds.   Personality   Elves are a proud, tribal people who have complex honor systems that run deep within their culture. So important is name and face that Elven kin have been known to slay their own children if that self same child had broken the rules of their house. Though in modern times, Elven kin can not afford to enact such harsh punishments due to their own dwindling numbers. There are elves, however that venture outside of their homeland in order to join the world of humanity. These elves are mostly outcasts whom have broken tribal law or brought dishonor to their name. A handful of elves willing abandon their kin to seek refuge in less hostile worlds, though one might be able to count the number of these elves on two hands. Those who do though, find solace in the variation of other races. More often than not, these elves roam the world in search of a place they can finally call home   Religion   Elven religion has distinct similarities to the religion practiced by humans. Though the Elves has different names for their gods, many of these gods have equivalents in the Anatolian pantheon. Elves participate in what many civilized races would call barbaric practices. They often perform sacrifices to their gods. It is rumored that the elves practiced sacrifice on not just animals, but people as well. Though this rumor has never been confirmed nor denied. Elves are known to have a extremely ritualistic religious crede. Their rituals often last for days and can consist of very intricate ceremonies that include dancing, ritual magicks, invocations, and ritualized contest of skill. At the heart of their religion is a being known as a Heirophant. This Heirophant acts as a direct connection to the gods and is responsible for determining their will. It is unclear if the Heirophant are an order of elves, just one elf, or if each sect of Elven people have their own Heirophant. Either way, it is clear that this Heirophant is the head of the Elven religion.   Physiology   Elves are tall, lanky humanoids. Their eyes are always black and their hair colors consist of browns and blacks. The average height of a elf is about 6'10" with many elves growing as tall as 7'6''. Males and females are typically very similar. The main difference is that female elves have slightly rounder faces as well as different sexual organs, same as found in humans. Elven men are born very slender and fair, but as they age, many male elves grow to be rougher and more broad. Elven skin colors are the same as humans with lighter skin colors being dominant, but still having the occasional black or dark brown. Elves are immortal in the sense that once they hit maturity, the age no further. They can still be slain by traditional means, but elves are not susceptible to old age. It is also worth mentioning that Elven birth is rare. A female elf that bears more than two children in her lifetime is uncommon.   Culture   As mentioned previously, Elves has a deep running honor system that is sacred within their community. This system includes many rites of passage that young elves have to endure to be considered an adult as well as many tests of skill in which Elves are required to participate several times throughout their lives. Thieves in Elven culture are not tolerated, as far as stealing from other Elves. Once this act was met with capital punishment, but due to dwindling numbers, is now only met with severe lashings and imprisonment. Elves are a stationary people who rarely wonder from their homeland. Their cities are hidden in deep valleys or in thick growth forests. One might even walk past an Elven city and never really recognize the buildings or outpost within. Elves are content with letting foreigners pass through their territory, but if their cities are disturbed or their land damaged, the transgressors are met with swift, deadly punishment with no mercy. It is rare, but occasionally elf kin will guide the lost out of their territory so that no harm comes to them. Though other, more traditional sects might abduct trespassers into their cities. These abductees never make the journey home.

Basic Information


Elves are Humanoid in appearance, though they are much taller than average humans. Their long, pointed ears curve further from their heads, and an Elf's eyes are much more almond shaped than humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves grow and mature slightly slower than humans. Elves reach physical maturity around the age of 18 years, and mental maturity around 25 years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Recent studies into elven culture has determined that there are many, smaller sects of Elven peoples existing in the Lost Wilds. Previously, based upon word of mouth from Elven people, it was thought that all Elves within the Lost Wilds existed under one structure. From what we do know, the elves call these groups "Gar'ovog" a word that is speculated to mean clan or family.

Facial characteristics

Elven ears are long and pointed. These ears tend to fall away from the face instead of up at an upward angle. Their faces are longer and shaper than a humans, and tend to have much more intense features.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves can be found primarily on the continent of Anatole, though they are still few in number there. Most Elves who have joined hman society speak of a great number of Elves living deep within the Lost Wilds, but due to the regions ever-changing Geography and climate, this is hard to confirm.

Average Intelligence

A Human will tell you that they are just as smart as an Elf. An Elf will tell you that Humanity is still a child learning to walk. It is clear that Elves possess a quickness and cleverness that exceeds the ability of the average humanoid.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Though it is unsure why, Elves have far better eyesight and hearing than their human cousins. Some biologist guess that Elves may have sensory organs that humans do not possess, or perhaps have some form of natural, aetheric ability. Due to the lack of data on Elven anatomny, the cause of the Elves heightened senses is unclear.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

There has been much speculation about naming conventions from what little is know of the Elven culture. It is known that every Elf that has ended up among humans has two parts to each a given name, and a surname. Elven Surnames consists of 1/2 the surname of the Father, and the other from the mother. Traditionally, it sees that the Father's half is presented last in the surname, separated by the equivalent of an apostrophe. An Elf's given name is formed in a similar manner. There aren't enough Elves to distinguish if males and females have different naming conventions. Elven Given Names: Te'hir, Nal'gwuin, Jacc'fean, Mora'dall Elven Surnames: Hal'mortha, Jau'talc, Yuin'dall, Rei'talc

Major Organizations

Elven orginizations have not been documented thouroughly, but from what is know there is at least one Major orginization within the Elven social structure in he ost Wilds.   The Heiro'Phant   The Heiro'Phant is speculated to be agroup of Elven priests or religious leaders within the elven society. From what is known about this elusive group, they lead only in the realm of Elven religion or spirituality, but not in the day to day affairs of the Elven people. There is evidence that this group might still practice mortal sacrifice to the gods.   Shavale   Not an organization, per se, but Shavale is a city in Roissaices, close to the border of the Lost Wilds and Astrellas. Shavale is home to the highest concentration of Elves that live among humans. In a way, the city is governed by the Elves, seeing as they outnumber humans in this particular city. The last known count of Elves in the town of Shavale counted 31 Elves living permanently in Shavale.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elves call their tongue Yugkhumuus, which is pronounces "Yuweg-gjuk-hue-moose". Due to the difficulty in language between early humans and Elves, this is simply referred to as Elven in the common tongue. The language itself is very complicated, and relies heavily upon context for meaning. Many Elven words have multiple meanings that change based upon the structure of the sentence, the words used before it, or which syllable receives emphasis. There also seems to be different dialects among the elven language that further complicate translation into the common tongue.


Elven history is surely long and complex, though most of it is unknown to modern scholars due to the Elf's proclivity for seclusion. What is known is that the Elves have not always occupied Anatole. Elven artifacts found in Eindurand tell a story of migration from a far away land. Many scholars speculate that the Elves come from Sharahara originally and migrated to Anatole eons ago. The Anatolian history of Elves is easier to track. It is known that Elves and Terrans once fought for territory in central Anatole, and that they, along with the terrans became subject to a catastrophic global event. While this event seems to have caused the extinction of The Terran , the Elven peoples survived. The last known historical event regarding elves happened around 200 years before the modern year. Elves once roamed in the plains and forests that is modern day Astrellas. Due to Human settlement and aggression, the Elves were pushed back into the lost wilds. To this day, there are some founding families in Astrellas that own Elven slaves that have been passed down in the family for generations.
Scientific Name
Homo Antiquori Sivlvanti
Long Lived Race (Ageless)
Average Height
6'10" to 7'1"
Average Weight
Average Physique
Elves are tall, and slender. Unlike the The Sylph , Elven slenderness is due to the typical lives that the Elves choose to lead. Most are nomadic by nature, and rarely get the chance to stay in one place long enough to grow fat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elven skin color has the same range of color that human's do. Typically, their skin i much more tan in color, with lighter colors being rare. Darker colors such as brown or black are not uncommon.

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