The Void Gods Organization in Crux Draconis | World Anvil
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The Void Gods

If Cithara is a home, the Void Gods are the world it's stood upon; All of Citharan society, all of its inhabitants being, is devoted to and made possible by the Void Gods (in their own view, at least). While their existence was disputed for millennia, modern theologists have added them to The Standard Pantheon as a caste of their own.  


Symbol: An artist's palette, with teeth like a gear.
With domain over creation, celebration and colour, Azhorra-Tha is the most joyous one in an otherwise somewhat stark and gloomy pantheon. Whether you are a worker, an artisan, an artist or just a party-goer, They will watch over you and make sure you find happiness in your pursuit.


Symbol: A pair of closed eyes, interlocking to form a third, open one.
The de-facto leader of the pantheon, Nyarlathotep represents logic, truth, science and the concept of fate. Whatever they lay out, must come to pass.


Symbol: A shortsword leaning on a shield/coat of arms.
A legacy, dying for your loved ones, defending your fellow sentient beings; Summanus offers honor and glory to the worthy. More about defending the homestead than bringing all out war, though, Summanus frowns on those that strike first, think second. Still, retributive destruction is approved, much to the dismay of Azhorra-Tha...


Symbol: A cloud of stars; the galaxy as seen from Tenebris.
For the hierophants, the lovers, and all the other major arcana, there is Yog-Sothoth. With luck and magic central to Their domain, Yog-Sothoth often finds themselves at odds with the pantheon's leader.
Religious, Pantheon

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